
Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus Cycling in Forest Soils

Edited by
June 2019
238 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03897-682-0 (Paperback)
  • ISBN978-3-03897-683-7 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus Cycling in Forest Soils that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Environmental & Earth Sciences

The majority of carbon stored in the soils of the world is stored in forests. The refractory nature of some portions of forest soil organic matter also provides the slow, gradual release of organic nitrogen and phosphorus to sustain long term forest productivity. Contemporary and future disturbances, such as climatic warming, deforestation, short rotation sylviculture, the invasion of exotic species, and fire, all place strains on the integrity of this homeostatic system of C, N, and P cycling. On the other hand, the CO2 fertilization effect may partially offset losses of soil organic matter, but many have questioned the ability of N and P stocks to sustain the CO2 fertilization effect.


Despite many advances in the understanding of C, N, and P cycling in forest soils, many questions remain. For example, no complete inventory of the myriad structural formulae of soil organic N and P has ever been made. The factors that cause the resistance of soil organic matter to mineralization are still hotly debated. Is it possible to “engineer” forest soil organic matter so that it sequesters even more C? The role of microbial species diversity in forest C, N, and P cycling is poorly understood. The difficulty in measuring the contribution of roots to soil organic C, N, and P makes its contribution uncertain. Finally, global differences in climate, soils, and species make the extrapolation of any one important study difficult to extrapolate to forest soils worldwide.

  • Paperback
License and Copyright
© 2019 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
carbon distribution index; moisture gradient; soil organic matter fraction; soil degradation; soil available nitrogen; soil available phosphorus; temperature; stand density; charcoal; forest soil; carbon mineralization; microbial activity; nitrification; polyphenols; temperature; soil microbial communities; PLFA; seasons; nitrogen dynamics; gross nitrogen transformations; Daxing’an Mountains; climatic factors; soil nutrients; forest types; principal component analyses; soil structure; soil pH; Oxisol; variable-charge soils; aluminum accumulator; seasonal trends; beech forests; soil enzymes; organic matter; multilevel models; near natural forest management; Pinus massoniana plantation; Cunninghamia lanceolata plantation; soil greenhouse gas flux; biolability; tree-DOM; dissolved organic matter (DOM); carbon; dissolved organic carbon (DOC); stemflow; throughfall; alpine forest; ammonia-oxidizing bacteria; ammonia-oxidizing archaea; ammonium; nitrate; revegetation; microbial biomass; chloroform fumigation extraction; enzyme activities; stoichiometric homeostasis; the Three Gorges Reservoir; Eucalyptus sp.; wood volume; second production cycle; annual increment average; soil fertility; nutrient cycling; Chamaecyparis forest; humic substances; 31P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (31P NMR); P species; topography; net primary productivity; climate zone; climate; soil N; litter N; climate change; manuring; manure pelleting; northern temperate; pyrolysis; information review; leaf N:P ratio; P resorption efficiency; soil P fractions; P stock; stand age

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