
Advances in Organic Conductors and Superconductors

Edited by
September 2018
344 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03897-180-1 (Paperback)
  • ISBN978-3-03897-181-8 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Advances in Organic Conductors and Superconductors that was published in

Chemistry & Materials Science
Environmental & Earth Sciences

Crystalline conductors and superconductors based on organic molecules are a rapidly progressing field of solid-state science, comprising chemists, and experimental and theoretical physicists from all around the world. In focus are solids with electronic properties governed by delocalized π-electrons. Although carbon-based materials of various shades have gained enormous interest in recent years, charge transfer salts are still paradigmatic in this field. Progress in molecular design is achieved via tiny but ingenious modifications, as well as by fundamentally different approaches. The wealth of exciting physical phenomena is unprecedented and could not have been imagined when the field took off almost half a century ago. Organic low-dimensional conductors are prime examples of Luttinger liquids, exhibit a tendency toward Fermi surface instabilities, but can also be tuned across a dimension­a­lity-driven phase diagram like no other system. Superconductivity comes at the border to ordered phases in the spin and charge sectors, and, at high fields, the Fulde–Ferrell–Larkin–Ovchinnikov (FFLO) state is well established. The interplay between charge and magnetic order is still under debate, but electronic ferroelectricity is well established. After decades of intense search, the spin liquid state was first discovered in organic conductors when the amount of geometrical frustration and electronic correlations is just right. They drive the metal and superconductor into an insulating Mott state, solely via electron–electron interactions. However, what do we know about the effect of disorder? Can we tune the electronic properties by pressure, by light, or by field? Research is still addressing basic questions, but devices are not out of reach. These are currently open questions, as well as hot and timely topics. The present Special Issue on “Advances in Organic Conductors and Superconductors” provides a status report summarizing the progress achieved in the last five years.

  • Paperback
License and Copyright
© 2019 by the authors; CC BY license
charge-transfer salts; TMTTF; charge-order phase transition; non-linear transport; photoconductivity; current oscillations; calculations of band structure and optical conductivity; organic conductor; Mott transition; pressure; disorder; X-ray irradiation; quantum spin liquids; quantum spin frustration; organic compounds; thermal expansion; molecular (super)conductors; superstructure; bifunctional compounds; radical cation salts; BEDT-TTF; tris(oxalato)metallate anions; spin frustration; Mott insulators; key-keyhole relation; quantum spin liquid; Fabre salts; one-dimensional conductors; charge order; anion order; electronic transport; pressure dependence; dielectric spectroscopy; α-(BEDT-TTF)2I3; Dirac electron system; transport phenomena; inter-band effects of the magnetic field; carrier doping; quantum Hall effect; Dirac electron; charge order; optical conductivity; organic conductor; α-(BEDT-TTF)2I3; molecular conductor; quantum spin liquid; geometrical frustration; crystal structure; band calculation; charge transfer salts; TTF donors; dimercaptopyrazine bisdithiolate complexes; crystal engineering; molecular conductors; bilayer metals; radical cation salts; CNB-EDT-TTF; thermoelectrics; organic superconductor; dimer-Mott system; heat capacity; electron correlations; d-wave; pressure; mott transition; molecular spin liquids; geometrical frustration; X-ray diffraction; fluctuation spectroscopy; organic charge-transfer salts; Mott metal-insulator transition; glass-like structural ordering; charge-cluster glass; percolation; organic superconductors; FFLO state; specific heat; NMR; strongly correlated systems; mott insulators; quantum spin liquid; dielectric properties; vibrational properties; density functional theory; spin liquid; Raman scattering; BEDT-TTF; organic superconductors; inhomogeneous superconductors; FFLO; quasi 2D materials; n/a

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