
From Ptolemaus to Copernicus: The Evolving System of Gluten-Related Disorder

Edited by
February 2018
238 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03842-731-5 (Paperback)
  • ISBN978-3-03842-732-2 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue From Ptolemaus to Copernicus: The Evolving System of Gluten-Related Disorders that was published in

Medicine & Pharmacology
Public Health & Healthcare
  • Paperback
License and Copyright
© 2019 by the authors; CC BY license
celiac; gluten; protease; IL-15; oral supplement; gluten-free; rhesus macaque; glutenase; gluten-sensitive enteropathy; celiac disease; gastrointestinal diseases; symptoms; gluten-free diet; gluten free diet; celiac disease; mucosal recovery; gluten contamination; gluten; celiac disease; NCGS; wheat allergy; gluten intolerance; gliadin; glutenin; hordein; secalin; avenin; coeliac disease; gluten free diet; probiotic; Bifidobacterium breve; intestinal microbiota; qPCR; next generation sequencing; celiac; gluten; gut; microbiome; microbiota; dysbiosis; rhesus; macaque; metagenomics; 16S rRNA; miRNA; chronic inflammation; gluten; non-celiac gluten sensitivity; non-celiac wheat sensitivity; celiac disease; irritable bowel syndrome; FODMAPs; gluten-free; cereal based foodstuff; gluten content evolution; ELISA; European regulation; wheat allergy; specific immunoglobulin E; children; gluten-related disorders; gluten; gluten contamination; food safety; celiac disease; gluten related disorders; celiac disease; gluten-free diet; gluten immunogenic peptides; feces; urine; gluten; non-celiac gluten sensitivity; non-celiac wheat sensitivity; wheat allergy; celiac disease; prevalence; celiac disease; bone disorders; osteoporosis; histopathology; intestinal mucosa healing; non‐celiac  wheat  sensitivity;  nickel  allergy;  cutaneous  symptoms;  irritable  bowel  syndrome; celiac disease; gluten-free products; naturally gluten-free; R5 ELISA; oats; buckwheat; lentils; computerised image‐analysis; celiac mucosa; Marsh classification; ROC‐curve analysis;  IEL;  lymphocyte  immuno‐subtypes;  mesenteric  immune  system;  invalid  Marsh  III  a,b,c  sub‐classification; low-FODMAP diet; irritable bowel syndrome; non-celiac gluten sensitivity; fermentable sugars; polyols; nutritional risk; gluten-free diet; coeliac disease; non-coeliac gluten sensitivity

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