
Beverage Consumption Habits around the World: Association with Total Water and Energy Intakes

Edited by
December 2017
304 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03842-634-9 (Paperback)
  • ISBN978-3-03842-635-6 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Beverage Consumption Habits around the World: Association with Total Water and Energy Intakes that was published in

Medicine & Pharmacology
Public Health & Healthcare
  • Paperback
License and Copyright
© 2018 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
hydration status; water intake; hydration indices; urine; blood; seasonality; country; ANIBES; total water intake; energy intake; beverages; Spain; hydration status; physical activity; urine osmolality; 24-h urine volume; plain water; sugar-sweetened beverage; diet quality; 24-h dietary recall; full-service restaurant; energy intake; added sugar; saturated fat; sodium; beverage consumption; physical activity; adolescents; relative validity; repeatability; fluid questionnaire; beverage; PREDIMED-PLUS study; Spain; water intake; beverage consumption; water adequacy; hydration; children; Lebanon; total water intake; beverages consumption; seven-day diary record; water balance questionnaire; beverage consumption pattern; meal types; food based dietary guide lines; alcohol consumption; sugar-sweetened beverages; fructose; beverage; rat; metabolic syndrome; meta-analysis; diabetes; obesity; water intake; beverage consumption; energy intake; eating behavior; Korean adults; nutrients; total water intake; energy intake; beverages; France; total water intake; fluid intake; food moisture; adequate intake; total water intake; energy intake; beverages; water intake; dietary pattern; drinking water; diet quality; adults; children; total water intake; drinking water intake; diet quality; nutritional index; Mediterranean cohort; water; soft drinks; beer; obesity; body weight; n/a; n/a; fluid intake; pregnant; breastfeeding; hydration; Indonesia; seven-day fluid record; plain water intake; energy intake; beverage consumption; children; total water intake; beverages; adults; France; Italy; Spain

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