
Geological and Mineralogical Sequestration of CO2

Edited by
September 2020
198 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03936-876-1 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-03936-877-8 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Geological and Mineralogical Sequestration of CO2 that was published in

Chemistry & Materials Science
Environmental & Earth Sciences
The rapid increasing of concentrations of anthropologically generated greenhouse gases (primarily CO2) in the atmosphere is responsible for global warming and ocean acidification. The International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) indicates that carbon capture and storage (CCS) techniques are a necessary measure to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the short-to-medium term. One of the technological solutions is the long-term storage of CO2 in appropriate geological formations, such as deep saline formations and depleted oil and gas reservoirs. Promising alternative options that guarantee the permanent capture of CO2, although on a smaller scale, are the in-situ and ex-situ fixation of CO2 in the form of inorganic carbonates via the carbonation of mafic and ultramafic rocks and of Mg/Ca-rich fly ash, iron and steel slags, cement waste, and mine tailings. According to this general framework, this Special Issue collects articles covering various aspects of recent scientific advances in the geological and mineralogical sequestration of CO2. In particular, it includes the assessment of the storage potential of candidate injection sites in Croatia, Greece, and Norway; numerical modelling of geochemical–mineralogical reactions and CO2 flow; studies of natural analogues providing information on the processes and the physical–chemical conditions characterizing serpentinite carbonation; and experimental investigations to better understand the effectiveness and mechanisms of geological and mineralogical CO2 sequestration.
  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2020 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
CO2 reservoir rock; CO2 sealing capacity; CO2 sequestration; CO2 storage capacity; CO2 storage ratio; supercritical CO2; CO2 geological storage; depleted gas fields; deep saline aquifers; Adriatic offshore; Croatia; CO2 geological sequestration; unconsolidated sediments; gas hydrates; suitable methodology for mineral carbonation; construction and demolition waste; basalts; carbonation; CO2 storage; hydrochemistry; regional heat flow; CO2 leakage; cement; well integrity; leakage remediation; TOUGHREACT; reactive transport modelling; CCS; CO2 storage; mineralization; carbonatization; mineral trapping; mineral sequestration; Johansen Formation; North Sea; sedimentary facies; serpentinite; X-ray diffraction; rietveld refinement; magnesium leaching; thermal activation; meta-serpentine; carbonation; heat activation optimization; CO2 mineral sequestration; hydromagnesite; kerolite; serpentinite; Cu mine; Montecastelli; underground microclimate; carbonation; CO2 sequestration; replacement process; low temperature carbonate precipitation; Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer; seawater influx; hydrothermal circulation; ophicalcite; n/a

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