
Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Gems

Edited by
March 2020
528 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03928-076-6 (Paperback)
  • ISBN978-3-03928-077-3 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Gems that was published in

Chemistry & Materials Science
Environmental & Earth Sciences
Gems have been used in the manufacture of jewellery and as ornaments since antiquity. Considering gems, recent statistics have shown that about 15 billion Euros are annually at stake. Nowadays, gemmology, i.e., the study of gem materials, is one of the most expanding fields in the earth sciences, positioned between academia and industry. As an applied science, in gemmology, the instruments used should be non- or microdestructive, and their cost should be reasonable both in terms of equipment and time consumption. Gemmology can also be used contribute to the development of pure science and in some cases, destructive techniques may have to be used. Taking into account the fact that gems are albeit rarely available for scientific research, this compilation of 20 articles by around 100 researchers from over 30 different institutions situated in 20 countries from around the globe, presented in the Special Issue entitled “Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Gems”, offers very good examples on the application of various methods for their study which will hopefully contribute to our better understanding of gem formation in general and will enhance scientific debates attracting more scientists from various disciplines to get involved in this field.
  • Paperback
License and Copyright
© 2020 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
danburite; trace elements; REE; femtosecond LA-ICP-MS; CHNS elemental analyzer; pegmatites; skarn; gemstones; placer; heavy and light minerals; landforms; climate; geodynamic setting; green quartz; prase; amethyst; color; amphibole; actinolite; skarn; Serifos; Greece; zircon; xenocryst; alkali basalt; Ratanakiri Volcanic Province; trace elements; O-isotopes and Hf-isotopes; U-Pb; (U-Th)/He; granitic pegmatite; gem-quality tourmaline; Adamello Massif; Central Alps; Italy; ruby; Mogok; Mong Hsu; New South Wales; trace elements; LA-ICP-MS analysis; inclusions; U–Pb age-dating; genetic diversity; geographic typing; corundum; blue sapphire; meta-ultramafic rocks; LA-ICP-MS; Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotopy; Ilmenogorsky complex; Ural Mountains; metasomatism; corundum megacrysts; ruby; sapphire; plumasite; metamorphic-metasomatic origin; Greece; zircon megacrysts; placer deposits; rare earth elements (REE); carbonatite-dominant melts; Central Highlands; Vietnam; hyperspectral photoluminescence imaging; LA-ICP-MS; rubies; corundum; in-situ oxygen isotopes; Paranesti Greece; Nestos Shear Zone; Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS); emerald deposits; classification; typology; metamorphism; magmatism; sedimentary; alkaline metasomatism; fluids; stable and radiogenic isotopes; genetic models; exploration; andradite; demantoid; gemstone; Raman spectroscopy; UV-Vis-NIR spectroscopy; X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy; gem-quality; garnet; gem-bearing pegmatite; fluid inclusions; P-T-X equilibria; spodumene; Ar/Ar dating; blue sapphire; anorthosites; kyshtymites; sapphire geochemistry; Ilmenogorsky-Vishnevogorsky complex; in situ LA-ICP-MS U-Pb zircon dating; kyanite; Mn-rich silicates; Rhodope; Thassos; amphibolite facies; metasomatism; opal; hyalite; silica; X-ray diffraction; Raman; Infrared; 29Si nuclear magnetic resonance; SEM; provenance; pearls; freshwater; saltwater; LA-ICP-MS; X-ray luminescence; sapphires; corundum; in situ oxygen isotopes; Orosmayo Argentina; lamprophyre; secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS); carbonatite; gemstones; corundum; beryl; jadeitite; garnet; quartz varieties; Greece; emeralds; LA-ICP-MS; UV-Vis-NIR; FTIR; Raman; PL; n/a

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