
Breastfeeding and Human Lactation

Edited by
May 2019
450 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03897-930-2 (Paperback)
  • ISBN978-3-03897-931-9 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Breastfeeding and Human Lactation that was published in

Medicine & Pharmacology
Public Health & Healthcare
Human lactation has evolved to produce a milk composition that is uniquely-designed for the human infant. Not only does human milk optimize infant growth and development, it also provides protection from infection and disease. More recently, the importance of human milk and breastfeeding in the programming of infant health has risen to the fore. Anchoring of infant feeding in the developmental origins of health and disease has led to a resurgence of research focused in this area. Milk composition is highly variable both between and within mothers. Indeed the distinct maternal human milk signature, including its own microbiome, is influenced by environmental factors, such as diet, health, body composition and geographic residence. An understanding of these changes will lead to unravelling the adaptation of milk to the environment and its impact on the infant. In terms of the promotion of breastfeeding, health economics and epidemiology is instrumental in shaping public health policy and identifying barriers to breastfeeding. Further, basic research is imperative in order to design evidence-based interventions to improve both breastfeeding duration and women’s breastfeeding experience.
  • Paperback
License and Copyright
© 2019 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
human milk; breastfed infants; body composition; anthropometrics; milk intake; bioelectrical impedance spectroscopy; ultrasound skinfolds; maternal factors; infant; feeding; preterm; premature; bottle; human milk; breastfeeding; nipple shield; infant feeding; choline; phosphocholine; glycerophosphocholine; lactation; human milk; infants; adequate intake; dietary recommendations; Canada; Cambodia; breast milk; galactogogues; mothers of preterm infants; breastfeeding; attitudes; knowledge; midwifery; formula supplementation; justification of supplementation; maternal wellbeing; maternal distress; post-partum distress; breastfeeding support; paternal role; partner support; infant; Ireland; passive immunity; antibodies; lactation; peptidomics; prematurity; proteolysis; breast milk; preterm infant; enteral nutrition; lipids; omega-3 fatty acids; omega-6 fatty acids; Docosahexaenoic acid; Arachidonic acid; long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids; pregnancy; breast milk; lactation; maternal diet; n-6 and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid; docosahexaenoic acid; zinc deficiency; plasma zinc; lactating women; zinc supplementation; Quito; Ecuador; Andean region; GDM; lactation; thyroid; triiodothyronine; thyroxine; thyroid antibodies; breastfeeding; knowledge; practice; barriers; social support; professional support; raw breast milk; cytomegalovirus; milk-acquired infections; preterm infant; adipokines; adiponectin; leptin; breastfeeding; infant; body composition; bioelectrical impedance spectroscopy; ultrasound skinfolds; human milk; lactation; human lactation; expressing; milk synthesis; fat synthesis; human milk; milk metabolites; lactation; milk metabolomics; human milk; breastfeeding; lactation; lipids; lipidomics; mass spectrometry; chromatography; NMR spectroscopy; human milk; sex-specificity; infant growth; early life nutrition; postnatal outcomes; breastfeeding; breast milk; human milk; colostrum; IgA; HGF; TGF-β; growth factors; geographical location; human milk; potassium; sodium; ICP-OES; ion selective electrode; lactoferrin; human milk; infection; immunity; antisecretory factor; human milk; breast milk; breastfeeding; inflammation; lactoferrin; candida; human milk; milk cells; immune cells; antimicrobial proteins; human milk; breastfeeding; ethnicity; composition; diet; responsive feeding; breastfeeding; breastmilk; babywearing; co-sleeping; mother–infant interaction; feeding cues; maternal responsiveness; mother–infant physical contact; proximal care; fatty acids; long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids; endocannabinoids; infant health; breast milk; casein; whey; protein; breastfeeding; infant; body composition; bioelectrical impedance spectroscopy; ultrasound skinfolds; human milk; calculated daily intakes; lactation; human milk; metabolites; microbiome; mode of delivery; caesarean section; proton nuclear magnetic resonance; breastfeeding; human milk composition; body composition; maternal diet; infant growth; appetite regulation; N-acylethanolamines; OEA; SEA; PEA; breastfeeding; human milk composition; obesity; Breastfeeding; human lactation; lactation; human milk; breast milk; milk composition

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