
Fertilizer Application on Crop Yield

Edited by
April 2019
252 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03897-654-7 (Paperback)
  • ISBN978-3-03897-655-4 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Fertilizer Application on Crop Yield that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Chemistry & Materials Science
Environmental & Earth Sciences

Fertilizer application can increase crop yields and improve global food security, and thus has the potential to eliminate hunger and poverty. However, excessive amounts of fertilizer application can contribute to groundwater pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, eutrophication, deposition and disruptions to natural ecosystems, and soil acidification over time. Small farmers in many countries think inorganic fertilizers are expensive and degrade soils, and thus policymakers want to promote organic instead of inorganic fertilizers. To develop practical fertilizer recommendations for farmers, yield responses to applied fertilizers from inorganic and organic sources, indigenous nutrient supply from soil, and nutrient use efficiency require consideration. There is a lack of sufficient scientific understanding regarding the need and benefit of integrated nutrient management (i.e., judicious use of inorganic and organic sources of nutrients) to meet the nutrient demand of high-yielding crops, increase yields and profits, and reduce soil and environmental degradation. Inadequate knowledge has constrained efforts to develop precision nutrient management recommendations that aim to rationalize input costs, increase yields and profits, and reduce environmental externalities. This Special Issue of the journal provided some evidence of the usefulness of integrated nutrient management to sustain soil resources and supply nutrients to crops grown with major cereal and legume crops in some developing countries.

  • Paperback
License and Copyright
© 2019 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
soil organic matter; soil biota; soil acidity; soil erosion; fertilizer management; site-specific nutrient management; balanced use of fertilizers; integrated nutrient management; agronomic response; calcium; Copper; NPK amendments; Value Cost Ratio; Zinc; nitrogen use efficiency (NUE); nitrate assimilation; nitrate reductase activity; maize; nitrate; ammonia; NADH; NADH-dehydrogenase; Complex I; site-specific K management; soil K supply; maize yield response to K; maize crop manager; nutrient expert for maize; durum wheat; mineral N; organic N; S fertilization; grain quality; grain yield; phosphorous; potassium; corn–soybean rotation; management; production system; organic farming; conventional farming; organic nutrients; chemical fertilizers; global food demand; agroforestry system; evergreen agriculture; biofertilizer; Bacillus pumilus; growth promotion; N fertilizer; rice; yield; green manure; nitrogen uptake; Orychophragmus violaceus L.; soil nitrogen pools; grain yield; Zea mays L.; hybrid rice; K use efficiency; potassium; saline tract; soil N supply; soil N mineralization; N fertilization; potentially mineralizable N; humid Mediterranean climate; conservation agriculture; NUE; nitrogen recovery efficiency; nitrogen physiological recovery; wheat yields; Agrotain® urea; rice-wheat system; organic farming; forage legume; long-term productivity; soil health; economics; integrated nutrient management; rice; wheat; yield; net returns; soil health; sustainability