
Algebraic Structures and Graph Theory

Edited by
August 2023
280 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-8440-9 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-8441-6 (PDF)

This book is a reprint of the Special Issue Algebraic Structures and Graph Theory that was published in

Computer Science & Mathematics
Physical Sciences
Public Health & Healthcare

Interconnections between graph theory and algebraic structure theory have always led to innovative solutions to problems in both areas and new research topics in Mathematics and other scientific fields. This reprint aims to emphasize the new theoretical aspects and practical applications of these two research areas. It contains 18 articles selected for publication in the Special Issue "Algebraic Structures and Graph Theory," printed by the MDPI journal Mathematics.

The topics addressed by the manuscripts within this reprint cover different aspects principally related to transformation semigroups, Gamma-semigroups, differential graded algebras, BL-algebras, hypergroups and hyperfields, Cayley graphs, graph energy, crossing number, Laplacian spectral radius, hypergraphs, t-graphs, and ideal-based dot total graphs.

  • Hardback
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
brauer configuration algebra; graph energy; path algebra; poset; spectral radius; trace norm; wild representation type; commutative rings; zero-divisor graph; dot total graph; ideal-based; zero-divisors; automata theory; hypergroups; quasi-automata; quasi-multiautomata; semiautomata; hypergraph; hyperpath; hypertree; knot; hypercontinuity; equivalent hyperpaths; BL-function; BL-code; binary linear block codes; coding theory; BL-algebra; distance Laplacian matrix; spectral radius; diameter; extendability; cayley graphs; transposition trees; bubble-sort graphs; star graphs; graph; join product; crossing number; configuration; parity properties; path; cycle; hypergroup; magma; state machines; automata; graph; generalized reciprocal distance matrix; reciprocal distance signless Laplacian matrix; spectral radius; finitely generated groups; finite groups; t-graph; subgraph; connected components; chromatic number; addition signed Cayley graph \({Σ_{n}^{∧}}\); lattice path models; enumerative combinatorics; quantum groups at roots of unity; tensor product decomposition; graph theory; hypergroup; fundamental relation; social systems; geometric space; differential graded algebras; derived categories; Galois extensions; hyperfield; positive cone; order; characteristic; left tri-ideal; right tri-ideal; M-left-tri-basis; M-right-tri-basis; quasi-order; partial order; regular elements; magnifying elements; transformation semigroups; n/a