
Atomic Structure of the Heaviest Elements

Edited by
May 2023
176 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-5591-1 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-5592-8 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Atomic Structure of the Heaviest Elements that was published in

Physical Sciences

This reprint brings together many scientific contributions on current actinide research, both theoretical and experimental. Special attention is given to the theoretical modeling of the atomic spectra of actinides, the experimental study of their atomic and nuclear structure, and new developments in the production and spectroscopy of their elusive and rather exotic radionuclides.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
atomic structure; level and excitation energies; hyperfine splitting; isotope-shift; Jena Atomic Calculator; LSJ level notation; open d- and f-shell ion; relativistic; transition probability; opacity; atomic data; kilonovae; oscillator strengths; neutron stars; resonance ionization laser spectroscopy; gas cell; hypersonic gas jets; radio frequency quadrupoles; nuclear ground state properties; isotope shift; hyperfine structure; Th-229; nuclear clock; hyperfine structure spectroscopy; ion trap; collisional de-excitation; actinide elements; resonance laser ionization; gas cell; laser spectroscopy; resonance ionization; atomic level scheme; gas cell; radiation detection; heavy actinides; atomic databases; standard reference databases; atomic spectroscopy; actinides; actinium; spectral lines; energy levels; transition probabilities; ionization energy; MRCI; electronic structure; electric dipole transitions; californium; resonance ionization spectroscopy; ionization potential; atomic structure; JetRIS; fluorescence spectroscopy; gas-jet; de Laval nozzle; nobelium; NEXT; neutron-rich nuclei; mutlinucleon transfer; solenoid separator; mass spectrometer; atomic structure theory; optical spectroscopy; actinides and transactinides; atomic and nuclear properties; thorium-229; trace analysis; laser spectroscopy; superheavy elements; laser resonance chromatography

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