
Molecular Mechanisms of Steroid Hormone Biosynthesis and Action

Edited by
March 2023
360 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-7003-7 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-7002-0 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Molecular Mechanisms of Steroid Hormone Biosynthesis and Action that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Chemistry & Materials Science
Medicine & Pharmacology

Steroids are essential hormones that regulate biological processes across their lifespan. Steroid hormone production and action must be tightly controlled otherwise there can be detrimental effects on physiological function leading to disease. This reprint contains original and review articles by experts at the cutting edge of their fields published in a Special Issue on the “Molecular mechanisms of steroid hormone biosynthesis and action” of the International Journal of Molecular Sciences. The topics include: 1) Steroid hormone biosynthesis, including substrate availability, mechanism of steroidogenic enzyme action, and the impact of mutations; 2) Molecular and cellular regulation of steroidogenesis, including steroidogenic cell response to hormone stimulation, signaling pathways, kinases, transcription factors, and gene expression; 3) Molecular mechanisms of endocrine disruptor action on steroidogenic cells; and 4) New tools and approaches to detect and study steroid hormones.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
steroidogenesis; testis; transcription; testosterone; Leydig cell; GATA; cholesterol; cholesterol transport; steroidogenic acute regulatory protein; sterol carrier protein 2; sterol carrier protein-x; MnHR4; 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E); Macrobrachium nipponense; molt; RNA interference; testis; Leydig cells; steroidogenesis; star; AMPK; phosphoproteomics; proteomics; activator protein 1; CREB; CEBPB; testis; Leydig cells; steroidogenesis; Leydig cells; Steroidogenesis; signaling cascade; Nuclear receptors; bZIP factors; MEF2 factors; GATA4; CAMKI; PKA; ERK1/2; Hippo signaling; Lats1/2; fetal Leydig cells; Sertoli cells; transgenic mouse model; ovary; cow; Hippo; steroidogenesis; follicle deviation or divergence; yes-associated protein 1; CTGF; CYR61; ANKRD1; transgenic mice; adrenal cortex; development; maintenance; glucocorticoid receptor; androgens; leydig cells; AAV9; steroidogenesis; Leydig cells; insulin-like 3; transcription; transcription factors; linker-scanning mutagenesis; DNA–protein interactions; bile acids; TGR5; testosterone; cholesterol esters; LH; Leydig cell; LH-receptor; testosterone; spermatogenesis; thrombospondin-2; NR5A1; enhancer; pituitary gonadotrope; luteinizing hormone; follicle-stimulating hormone; 11-oxygenated androgens; androgens; steroid hormones; LC-MS/MS; method validation; adrenocortical carcinoma; histone deacetylase inhibitor; cell differentiation; gene expression; adrenal gland inner cortex; X-zone; DHCR24; seladin-1; endocrine disruptors; EDC mixtures; in utero exposures; transcriptome analysis; testicular function; Leydig cells; aldo-keto reductase; bile acid; deficiency; congenital adrenal hyperplasia; hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase; prostate cancer; single nucleotide polymorphism; structure-function; steroid reductase; pseudohermaphroditism

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