
Light-Controlled Modulation and Analysis of Neuronal Functions

Edited by
January 2023
200 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-6563-7 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-6562-0 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Light-Controlled Modulation and Analysis of Neuronal Functions that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Chemistry & Materials Science
Medicine & Pharmacology

Contemporary research has been enriched by new directions in which light plays a key role as a tool for the modulation of cellular activity and the invasive monitoring of intracellular ions and other components. The progress in molecular biology, imaging techniques and other modern technologies has led to the emergence of three main areas in which light is the main tool: optogenetics, photopharmacology, and optosensorics. The main advantages of these approaches are the possibilities to investigate the functions of cells; modulate the activity of ion channels, synaptic transmission and neuronal circuits; measure concentrations of ions and other cellular components; and even control the behaviour of organisms.Due to the development of these powerful molecular and genetic tools, our understanding of the mechanisms underlying the functioning of the nervous system has greatly advanced. This reprint is intended to highlight the latest advances in these areas with a primary focus on light-based analysis and control of neuronal functions.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
parietal association cortex; fear memory; c-fos; calcium activity; transgenic mice; two-photon imaging; neuromuscular junction; neurotransmitter release; acetylcholine; nicotinic receptor; calcium channel; calcium transient; Parkinson′s disease; α-synuclein; neurogenesis; neural stem cell; neural progenitor cell; astrocyte; optogenetics; optogenetics; astrocytes; hippocampal neurons; patch-clamp; channelrhodopsin-2; opto-α1-adrenoreceptor; photopharmacology; photoswitchable ligands; ion channels; voltage-gated ion channels; ligand-gated ion channels; homology modeling; molecular docking; molecular dynamics; enhanced sampling; genetically encoded biosensors; optopharmacology; transgenic mice; intracellular pH; intracellular chloride; brain slices; pH and Cl transporters; Ca2+ indicators; calcium in vivo imaging; place cells; place fields; cognitive maps; ENaC; phosphoinositides; PIP2; optogenetic; CRY2; sodium channel; CoroNa Green; azobenzene; behavior; brainwave; dopamine; GPCR; in vivo electrophysiology; optogenetics; optopharmacology; photochromism; photopharmacology; photoswitch; zebrafish; neural plasticity; tropomyosin kinase receptor B; parvalbumin-positive interneurons; calcium/calmodulin positive pyramidal neurons; V1/visual cortex; multiple regression with interaction and simple slopes analysis; n/a

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