
E-learning and Digital Training in Healthcare Education: Current Trends and New Challenges

Edited by
November 2022
428 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-4513-4 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-4514-1 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue E-learning and Digital Training in Healthcare Education: Current Trends and New Challenges that was published in

Medicine & Pharmacology
Public Health & Healthcare

This reprint is dedicated to the current trends and new challenges that have emerged from the new e-learning environment, focusing on its potential to revolutionize Healthcare Education and exploring how it may help to better prepare future healthcare professionals for their daily practice. “E-learning and Digital Training in Healthcare Education: Current Trends and New Challenges” contains several research articles focused on new insights into the use of interactive and intuitive e-learning tools and innovative teaching methodologies that engage healthcare students in the new web-based environment training. It also includes several case studies of ‘pathfinder’ e-learning initiatives and surveys related to the penetration and acceptance of digital training in Healthcare Education.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
public health emergencies; online education platform; user satisfaction prediction; emotion mining; pictorial health education tools; long-term home care; nurses and home caregivers; communication; case study; a qualitative perspective; participatory action research; nasogastric tube; home care; medical graphics; PDSA; health education tools development; eBooks; medical education; clinical competencies; interactive; e-learning; online medical team; online reputation; appointment numbers; leader; teammates; inverted U-shaped relationship; competition; cooperation; social interdependence theory; 3D files; healthcare education; innovation in teaching; digital training; clinical teaching; QR code; orthosis; orthopedic surgery; patient education; hospital management; pathology; qualitative study; problem-based learning; dental education; e-learning; innovation in teaching; clinical teaching; interprofessional education (IPE); COVID-19; pandemic; nursing; healthcare; health care; online education; communication; collaboration; mixed methods study; dermatology; residency website; residency training; final year medical students; COVID-19; pandemic; distance learning; assessment; educational; pediatric; OSCE; blended learning; design; education; e-learning; laparoscopy; minimally invasive surgery; nursing; training course; validation; education; learning environment; nursing student; transcultural adaptation; psychometric properties; health care; clinical learning environment; e-learning; operating room; student preparedness; COVID-19; digital teaching modules; feedback; learning management system; medical student education; neurosurgery; e-learning; digital training; healthcare education; innovation in teaching; clinical teaching; e-exams; open learning; engagement; collaboration; communication; electronic-learning; artificial intelligence; medical imaging; machine learning; clinical translation; continuing medical education; e-learning; healthcare education; clinical teaching; social media use; dental students; social media platforms; dental training; Malaysia; Finland; e-learning; online learning; dentistry; dental education; NIHSS; e-learning; video; NIHSS certification; stroke; stroke unit; medical education; continuous education; COVID-19; high fidelity simulation training; nursing education; remote consultation; telemedicine; e-resources; e-learning; credibility; academic performance; health sciences education; medical education; digital education; COVID-19 pandemic; operative pre-clinical; competency-based education; e-learning; e-learning; healthcare education; OSCE; video; reflective practice; feedback; e-learning; healthcare education; telehealth; OSCE; pharmacy; communication; digital psychiatry; education; psychiatry training; telepsychiatry; trainees; clinical simulation; blood loss quantification; obstetric haemorrhage; knowledge; self-assurance; self-confidence; usefulness; feedback; antibiotic dispensing; pharmacists; respiratory infections; online course; e-learning; website; mobile app; eHealthResp; dental education; interactive resource; role play; virtual; simulation; emergency medical technician; interactive eBook; dyspnea; healthcare education; anemia; adolescent girls; mobile health education; booklet; knowledge; attitude; practice (KAP); scoring; rubrics; health personnel; program evaluation; distance education; residency education; specialty

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