
Land Use Conflict Detection and Multi-Objective Optimization Based on the Productivity, Sustainability, and Livability Perspective

Edited by
June 2022
224 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-4621-6 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-4622-3 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Land Use Conflict Detection and Multi-Objective Optimization Based on the Productivity, Sustainability, and Livability Perspective that was published in

Business & Economics
Environmental & Earth Sciences

Land use affects many aspects of regional sustainable development, so insight into its influence is of great importance for the optimization of national space. The book mainly focuses on functional classification, spatial conflict detection, and spatial development pattern optimization based on productivity, sustainability, and livability perspectives, presenting a relevant opportunity for all scholars to share their knowledge from the multidisciplinary community across the world that includes landscape ecologists, social scientists, and geographers. The book is systematically organized into the optimization theory, methods, and practices for PLES (production–living–ecological space) around territorial spatial planning, with the overall planning of PLES as the goal and the promotion of ecological civilization construction as the starting point. Through this, the competition and synergistic interactions and positive feedback mechanisms between population, resources, ecology, environment, and economic and social development in the PLES system were revealed, and the nonlinear dynamic effects among subsystems and elements in the system identified. In addition, a series of optimization approaches for PLES is proposed.



  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
PLES; multiscale integration; coupling coordination; conflict diagnosis; Ningbo; PLES; coupling degree of compatibility; ecological barrier area in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River; Jiangjin District; land-use transition; production-living-ecological space; spatial mismatch; balance threshold; ES management strategies; land use conflict; conflict identification; suitability evaluation; multi-objective evaluation; multifunction; land use conflict; agricultural space; ecological space; ecological fragile area; land-use change; carbon flow; CA–Markov; low-carbon optimization; brownfields; military fortification brownfields; casemates with enhanced fortification; historical and fabricated stories; semi-natural ecosystem; hidden curriculum; butterflies and moths (Lepidoptera); land snails (Gastropoda); hidden singularity; Production–Living–Ecological space; overall optimization; beautiful China; ecological civilization; PLE space; trade-offs and conflicts; sustainable development; system dynamic model; FLUS; production-living-ecological space; identification; island exploitation; perspective of geomorphology; Yellow River Basin; production–living–ecological space; spatio-temporal pattern; conflict identification

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