
The Future of Coral Reefs

Research Submitted to ICRS 2020, Bremen, Germany

Edited by
May 2022
280 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-4033-7 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-4034-4 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue The Future of Coral Reefs: Research Submitted to ICRS 2020, Bremen, Germany that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Environmental & Earth Sciences

This volume contains a series of papers prepared for presentation at the 14th International Coral Reef Symposium, originally planned for July 2020 in Bremen, Germany, but postponed until 2021 (online) and 2022 (in person) because of the COVID-19 pandemic. It contains a series of papers illustrating the breadth of modern studies on coral reefs and the response of the reef science community to the threats that coral reefs now face, above all from climate change. The first group of papers focus on the biology of a selection of reef organisms, ranging from sea fans to coral dwelling crabs. The next group describe studies of coral communities and ecological interactions in regions as diverse as Florida, Kenya, Colombia, and Norway. Further papers describe investigations into the effects of global warming (in the Maldives and in Timor-Leste) and of other impacts (UV blockers, ocean acidification). The final two papers describe the latest applications of satellite and camera technology to the challenge of mapping and monitoring reefs.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
coral reefs; cox1; H3; crustacea; molecular systematics; morphotypes; Cassiopea xamachana; C. frondosa; Scyphozoan; planulae; settlement; metamorphosis; oxybenzone; Gnathiidae; Isopoda; coral reefs; climate change; ocean warming; coral bleaching; Great Barrier Reef; Coral Triangle; marine biomineralization; inorganic mineralization; coral reefs; ocean acidification (OA); omega; dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC); extracellular calcifying fluid (ECF); Maldives; Indian Ocean; El Niño; mass coral bleaching; coral mortality; benthic cover; satellite; superspectral; VHR; topobathymetry; LULC; SUSC; Moorea Island; long-term mortality series; population dynamics; mass mortality; octocorals; habitat forming species; extinction; survival; equilibrium points; symbiodiniaceae; zoantharians; Trinidad coral reefs; zooxanthellate; biogeography; Jaffna Peninsula; coral mortality index; DNA barcoding; phylogeny; biodiversity; conservation; ocean acidification; ocean warming; carbonate chemistry dynamics; biogeochemical dynamics; in situ monitoring; natural variability of environmental conditions; Lophelia pertusa; structural complexity; coral reef; Caribbean; biodiversity; overfishing; parrotfish; Seaflower Biosphere Reserve; reef ecology; reef fish; structure associations; artificial structures; coral reefs; symbiotic algae; dinoflagellates; Madagascar; symbiosis; coral reef ecosystem; coral reef resilience; global warming; climate change; overfishing; indicator species; coral reef monitoring; reef health; review; hyperspectral imaging; marine optics; coral reefs; Coral Triangle; ENSO; coral bleaching; temperature; stable isotope; coral disease; coral health; nutrients; Indonesian ThroughFlow

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