
COVID-2019 Impacts on Education Systems and Future of Higher Education

Edited by
January 2022
550 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-2927-1 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-2926-4 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue COVID-2019 Impacts on Education Systems and Future of Higher Education that was published in

Social Sciences, Arts & Humanities

The rapid outbreak of the COVID-19 has presented unprecedented challenges on education systems. Closing schools and universities and cancelling face-to-face activities have become a COVID-19 inevitable reality in most parts of the world. To be business-as-usual, many higher education providers have taken steps toward digital transformation, and implementing a range of remote teaching, learning and assessment approaches. This book provides timely research on COVID-19 impacts on education systems and seeks to bring together scholars, educators, policymakers and practitioners to collectively and critically identify, investigate and share best practices that lead to rethinking and reframing the way we deliver education in future.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
COVID-19; coronavirus infections; pandemics; qualitative research; nursing students; student experiences; student perceptions; student safety; 3D printing; CAD/CAM; engineering education; tutorial; educational outcomes; e-learning; critical success factors; distance learning; COVID-19/Coronavirus pandemic; AHP-TOPSIS; COVID-19 pandemic; global mobility; higher education; internationalization; structural equation modeling (SEM); multi-group invariance analysis; graduate education/research; chemical engineering; bioenergetics; biotechnology; student/career counseling; engineering education; electrical engineering education; COVID19; outcome-based education (OBE); learning sciences; pedagogy; COVID-19; pandemic; higher education; student learning; online delivery; laboratory workshops; academic integrity; COVID-19; remote learning and teaching; emergency remote teaching; compassion; engineering; student experience; undergraduate students; qualitative research; general chemistry; curriculum; assessment; laboratory learning; higher education; asynchronous assessment; health education; eLearning; online classes; examination system; COVID-19 pandemic; electronic educational environment; online education; online teaching challenges; COVID-19 pandemic; university mathematics professors; teaching mathematics at a distance; blackboard teacher; teacher beliefs; online teaching; urban design; higher education; pandemic; COVID-19; public health; technology; EdTech; research methods; physical therapist educators; online teaching and learning; pandemic; COVID-19; school response; university response; testing situations; testing challenges; college student; learning experience; COVID-19; survey; anxiety; depression; learning mode; distance learning; faculty attitudes; emergency online teaching; engineering; COVID-19; higher education; survey; interviews; Coronavirus Anxiety Scale; psychology; working and social adjustment scale; GAD-7; anxiety; functional impairment; higher education; history of education in England; apprenticeship schemes; the Triple Helix Concept; change management; technological colleges; IT in education; resilience; university students; COVID-19; confinement; student engagement; heart rate; active learning; non-self-report; self-report; distance learning; higher education; COVID-19; COVID-19; emergency remote teaching; higher education; predominantly undergraduate institutions; cheating; course materials; data analysis; education; learning; online; teaching; student experience; postgraduate; online learning and teaching; higher education; online education; blended online learning; COVID-19; post-pandemic; public health; pandemic; technology; urban design; research methods; digital capabilities; online teaching; social identity; wellbeing; education; e-learning; deaf and hard of hearing; accessibility; Saudi Arabia; COVID-19; Sars-CoV2; COVID-19; PLS-SEM; university students; Ecuador; educational impact