
New Pathways for Community Energy and Storage

Edited by
December 2021
330 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-1386-7 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-1385-0 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue New Pathways for Community Energy and Storage that was published in

Chemistry & Materials Science
Environmental & Earth Sciences
Physical Sciences

Local communities are increasingly taking on active roles and emerging as new actors in energy systems. Community energy and energy storage may enable effective energy system integration and ensure maximum benefits of local generation, leading to more flexible and resilient energy supply systems and playing an important role in achieving renewable energy and climate policy objectives. In this book, we summarize the different topics covered in the international conference on new pathways for community energy and storage in the form of the 14 articles published in this Special Issue on the same topic. It addresses important developments and challenges related to local energy transitions and the role of community energy and energy storage therein.

  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
energy transition; local renewable energy cooperatives; governance roles; citizen participation; mixed methods; energy transition; energy justice; acceptance of wind energy; modes of participation; modes of distribution of benefits; cooperative development; battery storage technologies; energy practices; public participation; householders; socio-technical transitions; Renewable energy communities; renewable energy directive; prosumership; decentralised energy production; energy clusters; European Union; consumer (co-)ownership.; renewable energy prosumer; energy transition; collective prosumer; energy union; community energy; polycentricity; local energy initiatives; community energy; smart grid; legal innovation; socio-technical innovation; bottom-up; collective action; social innovation; mobilization model; energy communities; energy collectives; smart energy system; renewable energy system; sector integration; consumer ownership; local ownership; prosumer; organisational innovation; renewable energy community; vulnerable consumer; consumer empowerment; energy transition; energy justice; Clean Energy Package; electricity storage system; business model test; agent-based modeling; exploratory modeling analysis; community energy; renewable energy; citizen participation; energy cooperatives; energy community; thermal energy systems; agent-based modelling and simulation; formation and continuation; critical factors; energy transition; community energy storage; responsible innovation; energy system integration; socio-technical innovation; energy storage; community storage; battery storage; consumer; user; prosumer; acceptance; energy services; n/a