
Systematics and Diversity of Annelids

Edited by
July 2021
520 pages
  • ISBN978-3-0365-1390-4 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-0365-1389-8 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Systematics and Diversity of Annelids that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Environmental & Earth Sciences
In this Special Issue, we address the state of the art of the systematics of the main annelid groups and the improvements in the diversity they hold, with special emphasis on the latest discoveries in well-studied areas, expeditions to unsurveyed areas or environments, or the use of novel techniques that allow for the improvement of biodiversity knowledge. We are hoping that this Special Issue will provide a platform facilitating a review of current knowledge on the subject, identifying current research problems, as well as indicating directions and research trends for the future.
  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2022 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
biodiversity; biology; distribution; diversity; ecology; phylogeny; taxonomy; DNA-barcoding; Oligochaeta; cryptic species; Oweniidae; Magelonidae; diversity; taxonomy; anatomy; biology; annelida; invertebrates; peanut worms; cryptic species; pseudocryptic; species complex; Annelida; polychaetes; biodiversity assessment; geographical distribution; methods; knowledge gaps; marine invertebrate; diversity; distribution; jaw; maxillae; polychaete; Polychaeta; Dorvilleidae; Eunicidae; Hartmaniellidae; Histriobdellidae; Lumbrineridae; Oenonidae; Onuphidae; systematics; identification; meiobenthos; annelids; Opheliidae; Scalibregmatidae; diversity; taxonomy; anatomy; biology; adaptation; habitat; environment; morphology; physiology; behavior; invertebrate; Annelida; Annelida; diversity; systematics; species; new developments; special issue; polychaetes; species diversity; molecular diversity; phylogeny; ecology; distribution; Sabellida; Sabellidae; Serpulidae; Fabriciidae; Annelida; polychaetes; biodiversity assessment; systematics; methods; gaps of knowledge; Annelida; systematics; biodiversity; taxonomy; Acrocirridae; Cirratulidae; Sternaspidae; Longosomatidae; Paraonidae; Cossuridae

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