
Advances and Novel Approaches in Discrete Optimization

Edited by
October 2020
354 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03943-222-6 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-03943-223-3 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Advances and Novel Approaches in Discrete Optimization that was published in

Computer Science & Mathematics
Physical Sciences
Public Health & Healthcare
Discrete optimization is an important area of Applied Mathematics with a broad spectrum of applications in many fields. This book results from a Special Issue in the journal Mathematics entitled ‘Advances and Novel Approaches in Discrete Optimization’. It contains 17 articles covering a broad spectrum of subjects which have been selected from 43 submitted papers after a thorough refereeing process. Among other topics, it includes seven articles dealing with scheduling problems, e.g., online scheduling, batching, dual and inverse scheduling problems, or uncertain scheduling problems. Other subjects are graphs and applications, evacuation planning, the max-cut problem, capacitated lot-sizing, and packing algorithms.
  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2020 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
forgotten index; balaban index; reclassified the zagreb indices; ABC4 index; GA5 index; HDN3(m); THDN3(m); RHDN3(m); degree of vertex; extended adjacency index; scheduling with rejection; machine non-availability; operator non-availability; dynamic programming; FPTAS; Transportation; batching scheduling; total weighted completion time; unary NP-hard; approximation algorithm; bi-criteria scheduling; online algorithm; makespan; maximum machine cost; competitive ratio; network optimization; dynamic flow; evacuation planning; contraflow configuration; partial lane reversals, algorithms and complexity; logistic supports; scheduling algorithm; release-time; due-date; divisible numbers; lateness; bin packing; time complexity; online algorithm; batch scheduling; linear deterioration; job families; competitive ratio; Max-cut problem; combinatorial optimization; deep learning; pointer network; supervised learning; reinforcement learning; capacitated lot sizing; mixed integer formulation; retail; inventory; shortages; graph; join product; crossing number; cyclic permutation; arithmetic mean; combinatorial generation; method; algorithm; AND/OR tree; Euler–Catalan’s triangle; labeled Dyck path; ranking algorithm; unranking algorithm; Harris hawks optimizer; load frequency control; sensitivity analysis; smart grid; particle swarm optimization; genetic algorithm; meta-heuristics; packing; irregular 3D objects; quasi-phi-function s; nonlinear optimization; single-machine scheduling; minimization of maximum penalty; dual problem; inverse problem; branch and bound; LNS; numerical conversion; RISC; FPGA; embedded systems; scheduling; job-shop; makespan criterion; uncertain processing times; n/a

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