
Cocoa, Chocolate and Human Health

Edited by
May 2020
288 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03928-588-4 (Paperback)
  • ISBN978-3-03928-589-1 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Cocoa, Chocolate and Human Health that was published in

Medicine & Pharmacology
Public Health & Healthcare
This book entitled “Cocoa, Chocolate, and Human Health” presents the most recent findings about cocoa and health in 14 peer-reviewed chapters including nine original contributions and five reviews from cocoa experts around the world. Bioavailability and metabolism of the main cocoa polyphenols, i.e., the flavanols like epicatechin, are presented including metabolites like valerolactones that are formed by the gut microbiome. Many studies, including intervention studies or epidemiological observations, do not focus on single compounds, but on cocoa as a whole. This proves the effectiveness of cocoa as a functional food. A positive influence of cocoa on hearing problems, exercise performance, and metabolic syndrome is discussed with mixed results; the results about exercise performance are contradictive. Evidence shows that cocoa flavanols may modulate some risk factors related to metabolic syndrome such as hypertension and disorders in glucose and lipid metabolism. However, several cardiometabolic parameters in type 2 diabetics were not affected by a flavanol-rich cocoa powder as simultaneous treatment with pharmaceuticals might have negated the effect of cocoa. The putative health-promoting components of cocoa are altered during processing like fermentation, drying, and roasting of cocoa beans. Chocolate, the most popular cocoa product, shows remarkable losses in polyphenols and vitamin E during 18 months of storage.
  • Paperback
License and Copyright
© 2020 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
type 2 diabetes; flavanol-rich cocoa; blood pressure; glucose metabolism; lipid status; type 2 diabetes; flavanol-rich cocoa; postprandial; meal; glucose metabolism; lipids; blood pressure; cocoa processing; cocoa proteins; classification; extraction and characterization methods; fermentation-related enzymes; bioactive peptides; heath potentials; protein–phenol interactions; chocolate; hearing loss; tinnitus; cohort study; cocoa; bioactive compounds; flavanols bioavailability; anti-inflammatory properties; metabolic syndrome; oxidative stress; cocoa by-product; functional food; polyphenols; α-glucosidase inhibition; antidiabetic capacity; antioxidant capacity; methylxanthines; fermentation; functional volatile compounds; starter culture; yeast; roasting; chocolate; cocoa beans; theobromine; cacao; working memory; behavior; CaMKII; CREB; BDNF; cocoa; oligopeptides; simulated gastrointestinal digestion; angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory activity; cocoa; chocolate; metabolites; biomarkers; metabolomics; urine; plasma; procyanidins; methylxanthines; polyphenols; flavanols; soluble cocoa products; bioavailability; human; plasma nutrikinetics; liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionisation and quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-QToF-MS); colonic bacteria; athlete; cocoa; chocolate; exercise performance; oxidative stress; performance; physical exercise; polyphenol; skeletal muscle; inflammation; Italian chocolate; quality; cocoa-based ingredients; monitoring; nutrition; cocoa; flavan-3-ol stereoisomers; (−)-epicatechin; (+)-catechin; (−)-catechin; plasma appearance; chiral separation; pharmacokinetics; one-compartment model; n/a

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