
Religious Experience in the Hindu Tradition

Edited by
July 2019
196 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03921-050-3 (Paperback)
  • ISBN978-3-03921-051-0 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Religious Experience in the Hindu Tradition that was published in

Social Sciences, Arts & Humanities
This Special Issue of Religions brings together a talented group of international scholars who have studied and written on the Hindu tradition. The topic of religious experience is much debated in the field of Religious Studies, and here, we present studies of the Hindu religious experience explored from a variety of regions and perspectives. Our intention is to show that the religious experience has long been an important part of Hinduism, and should not be dismissed or considered as irrelevant. As a body of scholarship, these articles refine our understanding of the range and variety of religious experience in Hinduism. In addition to their substantive contributions, the authors also show important new directions in the study of the third-largest religion in the world, with over one billion followers.
  • Paperback
License and Copyright
© 2019 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
Hinduism; renunciation; Nirguna Bhakti; devotion; performance; Sadhus; India; Indian Religions; religious experience; Ethnography; tantra; yantra; Srividya; Bengali home; sacred domesticity; shankh; conch; Lakshmi; Manasa; shongshar; Indian music; sacred sound; Hinduism; Kīrtan; Bhajan; Nāda-Brahman; Dhrupad; Khayal; Bhakti; Rasa; Sangīta; Rāga; Tāla; religious experience; Erfahrung; Erlebnis; seeing; being seen; I; not I; Sāṃkhya; Yoga; puruṣa; prakṛti; puruṣārtha; religious experience; bhakti; Tukaram; Mahipati; Mariyamman; ammai; poxes; affliction; Tamil; religious experience; Hinduism; rain; agricultural field; goddess; Hinduism; religious experience; Ramakrishna; Vedanta; pluralism; Santmat; Sants; religious experience; divine light and sound; medieval Sant tradition; moral conduct; modern gurus; śānti; dhyān; guru; William James; Yoga; Gāyatrῑ mantra; Bhagavad Gῑtā; Patañjali; Sāṃkhya philosophy; Gandhi; Bhakti; Vedānta; Yoga Sūtra; religious experience; creativity; modern Hinduism; śākta tantra; tantric sādhanā; yoga; kuṇḍalinī; śakti; arts & religions; Tantric Studies; Śrī Vidyā; India; Hinduism; yoga; tantra; devotion; meditation; prayer; saints; brahman; bhāva; mahābhāva; bhakti; trance; samādhi; mokṣa; darśan; bhakti; antaḥkaraṇa; Yogasūtras; saṃyama; possession; Balaji; Ganges; pilgrimage

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