
Satellite Altimetry for Earth Sciences

Edited by
April 2019
484 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03897-680-6 (Paperback)
  • ISBN978-3-03897-681-3 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Satellite Altimetry for Earth Sciences that was published in

Environmental & Earth Sciences
Satellite altimetry is a radar technique for measuring the topography of the Earth’s surface. It was initially designed for measuring the ocean’s topography, with reference to an ellipsoid, and for the determination of the marine geoid. Satellite altimetry has provided extremely valuable information on ocean science (e.g., circulation surface geostrophic currents, eddy structures, wave heights, and the propagation of oceanic Kelvin and Rossby waves). With more than 25 years of observations, it is also becoming vital to climate research, providing accurate measurements of sea level variations from regional to global scales. Altimetry has also demonstrated a strong potential for geophysical, cryospheric, and hydrological research and is now commonly used for the monitoring of Arctic and Antarctic ice sheet topography and of terrestrial surface water levels. This book aims to present reviews and recent advances of general interest in the use of radar altimetry in Earth sciences. Manuscripts are related to any aspect of radar altimetry technique or geophysical applications. We also encourage manuscripts resulting from the application of new altimetric technology (SAR, SARin, and Ka band) and improvements expected from missions to be launched in the near future (i.e., SWOT).
  • Paperback
License and Copyright
© 2019 by the authors; CC BY-NC-ND license
satellite altimetry; Envisat; SARAL; unsupervised classification; K-medoids; Greenland Sea; Fram Strait; upper layer thickness; satellite altimeter; two-layer ocean model; South China Sea; coastal altimetry; sea surface height; Jason-2; waveform retracking; satellite altimetry; inland water; CryosSat-2 SAR; Mekong Basin; water level time series; classification; stack data; altimetry; Ka-band; data processing; calibration; validation; altimetry; SAR; calibration; validation; sea surface height; coastal altimetry; validation; tide gauge; altimetry; Ka-band; oceanography; hydrology; ice; geodesy; Jason-2; Hong Kong coast; retracking; X-TRACK; ALES; PISTACH; radar altimetry; coastal altimetry; sea surface height; topography of the intertidal zone; ERS-2; ENVISAT; SARAL; CryoSat-2; altimetry; water level; discharge; Sentinel-3; satellite altimetry; microwave radiometer; wet tropospheric correction; wet path delay; sensor calibration; HY-2A; waveform retracking; range precision; marine gravity; radar altimetry; waveform; dielectric permittivity; soil moisture; satellite altimetry; SWOT; western Mediterranean Sea; fine scale; SWOT simulator; ROMS model; filtering; storm surge; satellite altimetry; calibration; numerical modelling; FVCOM; ocean tides; coastal altimetry; ALES retracker; ocean geostrophy; water volume transport; satellite geodesy; space gravity; altimetry; Argo; Southern Ocean; ACC; lake level; lake volume; evaporation; streamflow; Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE); altimetry; Landsat; Aral Sea; altimetry; water levels; validation; Inner Niger Delta; altimetry; orbit decay; drifting orbit; geodetic orbit; leads; satellite altimetry; CryoSat-2; classification; peakiness; polar ocean

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