Social Sciences

Social Sciences is an international, open access journal with rapid peer-review, which publishes works from a wide range of fields, including anthropology, criminology, economics, education, geography, history, law, linguistics, political science, psychology, social policy, social work, sociology and so on. Social Sciences is published monthly online by MDPI.
  • Open Access— free for readers, with article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their institutions.
  • High visibility: indexed within Scopus, ESCI (Web of Science), RePEc, and other databases.
  • Journal Rank: JCR - Q2 (Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary) / CiteScore - Q2 (General Social Sciences)
  • Rapid Publication: manuscripts are peer-reviewed and a first decision is provided to authors approximately 28.9 days after submission; acceptance to publication is undertaken in 4.9 days (median values for papers published in this journal in the first half of 2024).
  • Recognition of Reviewers: reviewers who provide timely, thorough peer-review reports receive vouchers entitling them to a discount on the APC of their next publication in any MDPI journal, in appreciation of the work done.
Impact Factor: 1.7 (2023)
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Topic in Behavioral Sciences, EJIHPE, Healthcare, Social Sciences, Sustainability
Global Mental Health Trends Topic Editors: Naiara Ozamiz-Etxebarria, Nahia Idoiaga-Mondragon, Maitane Picaza Gorrotchategi, Idoia Legorburu Fernandez, Israel Alonso
Deadline: 20 November 2024
Topic in Energies, Resources, Smart Cities, Social Sciences, Sustainability
Energy Management and Sustainable Development from Economic, Social and Environmental Aspects Topic Editors: Kittisak Jermsittiparsert, Thanaporn Sriyakul
Deadline: 31 December 2024
Topic in Education Sciences, Land, Remote Sensing, Smart Cities, Social Sciences
Global Education Science and Environmental Management for Rural Revitalization and Dual Carbon Strategy Topic Editors: Pingping Luo, Guangwei Huang, Binaya Kumar Mishra, Mohd Remy Rozainy Bin Mohd Arif Zainol
Deadline: 31 January 2025
Topic in Administrative Sciences, Behavioral Sciences, Economies, Social Sciences, Sustainability
Antecedents and Consequences of ESG from an Organizational Perspective Topic Editors: Sung Joon Yoon, Eun-mi Lee
Deadline: 30 March 2025
Special Issue in Social Sciences
Disasters, Social Movements, Policy Responses and Sociocultural Evolution Guest Editor: Christopher K. Chase-Dunn
Deadline: 30 September 2024
Special Issue in Social Sciences
Informal Care in the Digital Space Guest Editor: Laura Wiesböck
Deadline: 30 September 2024
Special Issue in Social Sciences
Emotional Labor, Stress, and Well-Being: Components of the Sustainability and Dignity of Work Guest Editors: Carla Carvalho, Sônia Maria Guedes Gondim, Mary Sandra Carlotto
Deadline: 30 September 2024
Special Issue in Social Sciences
Teaching and Learning in Refugee/(Im)Migrant Communities Around the World Guest Editor: Jill Koyama
Deadline: 30 September 2024
Topical Collection in Social Sciences
Justice in Sexual and Reproductive Health: An Intersectional Approach Collection Editors: Pedro Candeias, Violeta Alarcão, Sónia Cardoso Pintassilgo
Topical Collection in Social Sciences
Child Abuse and Child Protection Collection Editor: Gerald Cradock
Topical Collection in Social Sciences
Imposed Identities—What Damage Do They Cause? Collection Editors: Belinda Winder, Rahmanara Chowdhury, Blerina Kellezi, Iram Shah, Beth Jones
Topical Collection in Social Sciences
Tackling Organized Crime and Human Trafficking Collection Editor: James O. Finckenauer
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