
22 February 2018
Editorial Board Member Prof. Dr. John Mattick representing Non-Coding RNA at AGBT 2018

Prof. Dr. John Mattich (Garvan Institute, Sidney, Australia), who is serving as Editorial Board Member for Non-Coding RNA, attended the Advances in Genome Biology and Technology (AGBT) 2018 meeting, held in Orlando (FL, USA) between February 12th and 15th (

AGBT is considered one of the most relevant conferences in genome science and technology, providing a remarkable forum for exchanging information about the latest advances in DNA sequencing technologies and new approaches for genomic studies.

Prof. Dr. John Mattick, one of the pioneers in the non-coding RNA, assisted as a source of scientific inspiration for many attendees by presenting his work entitled “Modular structure and plasticity of regulatory RNA”. In this presentation, Prof. Dr. Mattick showed his findings on non-coding exons, and how this link to the evolutionary history and the functional architecture of regulatory RNAs. 

Prof. John Mattick giving his talk.

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