Mineral Deposits

A section of Minerals (ISSN 2075-163X).

Section Information

The Mineral Deposits Section focuses on all types of mineral deposits, including metallic deposits and deposits of industrial rocks and minerals. A wide breadth of contributions is welcomed from descriptive to exploration to genetic models at microscopic to deposit to district scales. Contributions are expected to provide significant new information and insight into mineral deposits using standard to novel approaches. In addition, authors are encouraged to submit reviews of a particular deposit, a district, or type of deposit.


  • Economic geology;
  • Mineral deposits;
  • Metallic mineral deposits;
  • Gem deposits
  • Industrial rocks and minerals;
  • Ore deposits;
  • Mineral deposit geology;
  • Metallogeny;
  • Mineral deposit processes;
  • Mineral deposit genesis;
  • Mineral exploration;
  • Ore minerals;
  • Hydrothermal minerals;
  • Mineralization

Editorial Board

Topical Advisory Panel

Special Issues

Following special issues within this section are currently open for submissions:

Papers Published

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