Special Issues

Healthcare publishes Special Issues to create collections of papers on specific topics, with the aim of building a community of authors and readers to discuss the latest research and develop new ideas and research directions. Special Issues are led by Guest Editors, who are experts on the topic. The journal’s Editor-in-Chief and/or designated EBM will oversee Guest Editor appointments and Special Issue proposals, checking their content for relevance and ensuring the suitability of the material for the journal. The papers published in a Special Issue will be collected and displayed on a dedicated page of the journal’s website. For any inquiries related to a Special Issue, please contact the Editorial Office.

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Health Equity in Palliative Care
edited by Lynn F. Reinke and Katherine Doyon
submission deadline 27 Jan 2025 | Viewed by 5 | Submission Open
Keywords: hospice; palliative care; serious illness; health equity
Effects of Physical Activities on People with Diabetes submission deadline 31 Jan 2025 | 3 articles | Viewed by 3491 | Submission Open
Keywords: diabetes; type 2 diabetes; type 1 diabetes; physical activity; physical exercise; visual system; motor control; postural control; eye movements; sensorimotor integration; fear of fall
(This special issue belongs to the Section Preventive Medicine)
Interpersonal Violence among Adolescents
edited by and
submission deadline 31 Jan 2025 | Viewed by 110 | Submission Open
Keywords: dating violence/interpersonal violence or partner violence; physical violence/physical attack/physical maltreatment; verbal violence; psychological abuse; sexual abuse; coercive behavior; risky behavior health-related outcomes; mental health; substance abuse; alcohol abuse; STIs; prevention
Innovation in Hospital Management: Strategies and Efforts for Patient and Healthcare Workers Safety and Prevention of Claims: 2nd Edition submission deadline 31 Jan 2025 | Viewed by 80 | Submission Open
Keywords: clinical risk management; autopsy; medical liability; nosocomial infections; safety; technology; infectious diseases; diagnosis
(This special issue belongs to the Section Healthcare Quality and Patient Safety)
Oral Health and Rehabilitation in the Elderly Population
edited by
submission deadline 31 Jan 2025 | Viewed by 63 | Submission Open
Keywords: elderly population; oral health; oral function; oral rehabilitation; dental treatment
Advances on Novel Strategies in HIV Treatment, Prevention, and Enhancing Quality of Life
edited by Benedetto Maurizio Celesia
submission deadline 31 Jan 2025 | Viewed by 24 | Submission Open
Keywords: HIV; antiretroviral treatment; AIDS; PrEP; PEP; HIV stigma; opportunistic infections; non-AIDS comorbidities
(This special issue belongs to the Section Medics)
Healthy Lifestyle for Pregnant and Postpartum Women submission deadline 31 Jan 2025 | Viewed by 18 | Submission Open
Keywords: pregnancy; postpartum; women health; midwifery; lifestyle; health promotion; exercise
(This special issue belongs to the Section Women's Health Care)
Effects of Self-Control and Motivation in Exercise and Physical Health
edited by
submission deadline 13 Feb 2025 | Viewed by 17 | Submission Open
Keywords: self-control; self-regulation; motivation; exercise; wellbeing; physical and mental health
The Impact of Social Inequalities on Health during the Life Course submission deadline 28 Feb 2025 | Viewed by 315 | Submission Open
Keywords: social inequality; health; life course; quantitative; qualitative; theoretical perspectives; children; youth; adulthood; health literacy; socially vulnerable population groups
Evaluating Health and Wellness in Schools: Assessment, Predictors, and Interventions
edited by and Kosuke Kawai
submission deadline 28 Feb 2025 | Viewed by 39 | Submission Open
Keywords: student health; school safety; teacher satisfaction; student aberrant responding; bullying and victimization; teacher burnout; school-based interventions; disability; validity; reliability; evaluations
(This special issue belongs to the Section School Health)
Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation of Neurological Disorders submission deadline 28 Feb 2025 | Viewed by 38 | Submission Open
Keywords: physiotherapy; pain; functionality; neurological; nerve; rehabilitation; physical therapy; stroke; neurological disorders; balance; gait
(This special issue belongs to the Section Health Assessments)
Prevention and Management of Chronic Diseases
edited by Jolanta Magdalena Walusiak-Skorupa and Dominik Olejniczak
submission deadline 28 Feb 2025 | Viewed by 31 | Submission Open
Keywords: chronic diseases; civilization diseases; health promotion; public health; prophylaxis; health management; quality of life
(This special issue belongs to the Section Preventive Medicine)
Research and Survey on the Mental Health of Children and Adolescents: Second Edition
edited by
submission deadline 28 Feb 2025 | Viewed by 21 | Submission Open
Keywords: mental health; children; adolescents; research; survey
Current Topics in Rehabilitation for Musculoskeletal Injury
edited by Russell T. Baker, Scott Cheatham and Emilie Miley
submission deadline 28 Feb 2025 | Viewed by 7 | Submission Open
Keywords: musculoskeletal injury; rehabilitation; manual therapy; sports injury; physical therapy; patient-reported outcomes
Integrative Care for Chronic Lung Diseases
edited by Emma Borrelli
submission deadline 28 Feb 2025 | Viewed by 6 | Submission Open
Keywords: lung disease; chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; pulmonary rehabilitation; sleep disorders; sleep medicine
(This special issue belongs to the Section Chronic Care)
Climate, Lifestyle, and Aging: Integrating Self-Care into Precision Medicine
edited by
submission deadline 15 Mar 2025 | Viewed by 83 | Submission Open
Keywords: climate; season; diet; lifestyle; temperature; environmental exposures; air pollution; humidity; aging; inflammation; oxidation; observational study; intervention
(This special issue belongs to the Section Environmental Factors and Global Health)
The Importance of Statistical Methods for Interpreting the Results in Epidemiological Studies submission deadline 31 Mar 2025 | 2 articles | Viewed by 2052 | Submission Open
Keywords: estimating the frequency of health phenomena; measures of health burden: DALE; PYLL; DALY; SEYLL; QALY; health inequalities; retrospective studies; odds ratio; prospective cohort studies; relative risk ratio; seasonal and long-term variability; hazard ratio; models (forecasting); representative study; statistical association and cause-and-effect relationship
Quality Healthcare at the End of Life
edited by Marieke M. Groot and Corine Nierop-van Baalen
submission deadline 31 Mar 2025 | 1 articles | Viewed by 905 | Submission Open
Keywords: palliative care; public health palliative care; community care; intersectionality; education in end-of-life care; living with cancer; awareness
(This special issue belongs to the Section Healthcare Quality and Patient Safety)
Management and Nursing Strategy for Patient with Pain
edited by , Samuel Vilar-Palomo, and Rocío Cáceres-Matos
submission deadline 15 Apr 2025 | Viewed by 39 | Submission Open
Keywords: pain assessment; nursing interventions; multidisciplinary care; chronic pain management; acute pain management; patient-centered care; pharmacological techniques; non-pharmacological techniques; emotional support; psychosocial aspects; gender disparities; quality of life; pain intensity scales; complementary therapies; healthcare outcomes
(This special issue belongs to the Section Nursing)
Virtual Reality in Mental Health
edited by Harry Qin and
submission deadline 30 Apr 2025 | Viewed by 49 | Submission Open
Keywords: virtual reality; mental health; assessment; treatment; rehabilitation; social work; nursing; qualitative studies; randomized controlled trials
Research on Physical Activity Interventions and Environmental Correlates of Physical Activity and Health during Youth submission deadline 31 Jul 2025 | Viewed by 310 | Submission Open
Keywords: health promotion; physical activity; fitness; physical education; sociocultural context
(This special issue belongs to the Section Environmental Factors and Global Health)
Integrative Approaches to Musculoskeletal Disorders, Health-Related Issues and Physical Fitness: From Diagnosis to Management submission deadline 31 Jul 2025 | Viewed by 128 | Submission Open
Keywords: musculoskeletal disorders; physical activity; physical fitness; injuries; mental health; health assessment; body composition; body posture; body balance; fall assessment; diagnostic imaging
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