
13–15 December 2018, Beirut, Lebanon
The 1st edition of International Conference on Big Data and Cybersecurity Intelligence (BDSCIntell'2018)

The 1st edition of International Conference on Big Data and Cybersecurity Intelligence (BDSCIntell'2018) will be hosted in Beirut, Lebanon - one of the most prominent technology hub in the Middle-East for startups, talents, and education. BDSCIntell'2018 is a pioneering conference in Lebanon aiming at accelerating research, innovation, and industrial practices of a wide range of topics covering Big Data, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Data Protection, and Cybersecurity etc. The conference is organized by Lebanese University - one of the top ranked universities in Lebanon - in connection with universities and a research and innovation accelerator in Europe. The main theme of the first edition is to increase the awareness of critical issues related to Cybersecurity and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and also to discuss the opportunities and disruptions brought about by Big Data within government and industries. BDSCIntell'2018 will be the platform to validate the applicability and impact of innovation in the field of Big Data and Cybersecurity. BDSCIntell'2018 will bring experts from both Big Data, AI, Cybersecurity areas and provide them an opportunity to share their innovation and thoughts of designing and developing next generation smart solutions for building highly secure Cyberworld and intelligent Big Data products. The mixing of Big Data, AI, Data Protection and Cybersecurity opens the door for multidisciplinary contributions spanning a wide spectrum of domains like computer science, mathematics, data analysis, real-time data processing, security and privacy management, information system management, and many more. In addition, this conference will assemble a line of renowned speakers who will deliver their innovative thoughts to tackle challenges and build better world by leveraging the power of advanced technologies.

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