
26 February–1 March 2013, Budapest, Hungary
4th MoniQA International Conference

The theme of the conference will put various emerging and persistent food safety issues, and the relevant analytical and legal challenges in perspective of globalisation, climate change, food security and economic crises. These issues are drivers for new developments and new research initiatives in food safety assurance and food safety management worldwide, however economic crises and the volatility of food commodity prices put pressure on food safety assurance strategies especially in developing countries but also in international trade. According to the definition of "Food Security" by the WHO, it is a fundamental right of everyone to be free from hunger and to consume safe and nutritious food. MoniQA recognises that climate change poses a severe challenge to people's food security and the safety of food due to emerging risks and the magnitude of food safety related incidents due to modern production practices and global mobility. Furthermore, climate change is a major framing condition for sustainable development of agriculture and food, and it will impact all aspects of our daily lives.

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