
2–3 February 2017, Basel, Swizterland

We would like to draw your attention to the 3rd conference ”Development of Medicines for Pediatric and Rare Diseases - Annual Event for Interdisciplinary Challenges” in Basel, Switzerland, February 2-3, 2017, preceded by a master class on commercial drug development in the morning of February 1, and a master class on Pediatric Drug development in the afternoon of February 1.

The first two conferences in 2015 & 2016 attracted more participants than we had hoped for. We are confident that even more attendees will participate in 2017. We would highly appreciate your participation and would kindly ask you to block the date in your agenda. Registration is possible from now on. A first draft agenda and further updates will be sent out in the next weeks and months.

For organisational questions please direct your questions to [email protected]; for content question to Prof. Johannes van den Anker, [email protected] and Dr. Klaus Rose, [email protected]; for sponsoring suggestions to Martin Austin, [email protected].

Looking forward to see you in Basel, Switzerland, in February 2017

Best regards
Klaus Rose and John van den Anker

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