
14–16 July 2018, Shanghai, China
2018 International Convention on Rehabilitation Engineering and Technology

2018 International Convention on Rehabilitation Engineering and Technology (i-CREATe2018) is dedicated to promote assistive technologies in order to improve the life quality of the elderly and people with disabilities, and to provide a platform for addressing current and future development in these areas.

The year of 2018 will be the 3rd year after the founding of CRAETe Asia, and the 8th year after i-CREATe 2010 being successfully held in Shanghai. In the past few years, China has experienced a tremendous development in rehabilitation engineering and assistive technology. Friends and colleagues are welcome to join this glory event again in shanghai, and to share the information and knowledge about the most recent development of assistive technology in China, and also from all over the world.

The theme of i-CREATe2018 is “cooperation and innovation for an accessible world”, which calls for closer communication and cooperation through Asia and the entire world to promote the sciencetific innovation and development of assistive products industry. i-CREATe2018 will feature three attractive modules: 

  • academic conference including plenary session and series of workshops
  • global student innovation challenge(gSIC)
  • international forum on development of assistive products industry

In this convention, you will also have chance to see the most advanced and newest assistive products manufactured by the companies of China in recent years.

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