
7–10 September 2014, Lille, France
10th European Symposium on Biochemical Engineering Sciences and 6th International Forum on Industrial Bioprocesses

Thematics :

  1. Biobased Economy, Biorefineries, Materials and Chemicals, Sustainability

  2. BioPharmaceutical Process Development and Manufacturing

  3. Performance and Control of Bioreactors

  4. Bioprocess Integration and Intensification

  5. Bioengineering at the Micro scale level

  6. Molecular Bioengineering, Systems Biology and Metabolic Engineering

  7. Regenerative Medicine Manufacturing

  8. Purification of Biomolecules

  9. Continuous Biomanufacturing

  10. Marine Bioengineering

  11. Biocatalysis

  12. Biosensors

  13. Optimization of Biomanufacturing (modeling, simulations, disposables and others)

  14. Bioprocessing for Food Engineering

  15. Life supporting systems for Space exploration (in connection with European Space Agency)

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