
14–18 March 2016, Milan, Italy
10th International Conference on Air Quality - Science and Application

It is a pleasure to invite you to the 10th International Conference on Air Quality – Science and Application. We are working with Sandro Finardi (ARIANET) and Guido Lanzani (ARPA Lombardia), both of whom will help to organize the Conference in the exciting and vibrant city of Milan.

In its 20th year, the Conference continues to be the international dissemination hub of air quality research and its applications. Over the years, the topic of air quality has  increased its prominence as a key issue for achieving sustainable development and to reduce health impacts in all regions of the world. Scientific research has revealed the complex nature of the impact of air pollution which spans multiple scales and involves numerous physical and chemical interactions including  with climate change.  As always, the conference brings together participants from the air quality, climate and health research and user communities to discuss the latest research advances, new applications and highlight important implications for policy and users.

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