
1–4 May 2016, Lisbon, Portugal
8th International Workshop on Sand/Duststorms and Associated Dustfall

The theme of DUSTworkshop8 is "Advances on research and knowledge on sand and dust storms and their impacts on environment, weather and climate".

The goal of DUSTworkshop8 is to bring international research activities/outcomes together and to discuss how to enhance our understanding of dust storm mechanisms and their links and feedbacks between desert dust, air quality, radiation, clouds, water budget and health impacts. One of the major objectives is to bring together scientists working on dust from Europe, Asia and USA, exchange information on hot research topics and to promote international collaborative efforts between research groups, institutions and agencies.

The Workshop will consist of plenary talks, oral presentations, round table discussions and poster presentations. The scope of the workshop includes studies using modeling, measurements and analyses (in situ and remote sensing) in the following topical areas:

  • Source definition and properties of dust;
  • Dust particle size and composition issues;
  • Dust transport, mixing with anthropogenic pollutants and aging;
  • Aerosol-radiation-cloud-precipitation interactions;
  • Dust and climate interactions;
  • Dust and ocean productivity;
  • Modeling and prediction;
  • Environment impact assessment;
  • Health impact assessment.

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