
17–19 January 2012, London, UK
5th Annual Recombinant Antibodies Conference

Louise Holliday will be speaking at Visiongain’s 5th Annual Recombinant Antibodies conference.  The conference will allow delegates to:

  • Network with key decision makers at leading companies
  • Improve the potency of IgG molecules for ADCC, ADCP and CDC applications
  • Enhance immune effector functions through targeted Fc region engineering
  • Increase in vivo circulation time with conjugated immunoglobulins
  • Extend pharmacokinetic half-life and exposure
  • Better utilise, deploy and evaluate in silico tools during early-phase research
  • Optimise antigen-binding domains
  • Engineer decreased immunogenicity, cross-reactivity and in vivo toxicity
  • Assess new technologies for selecting antibody attributes
  • Maximise site-specific drug loading for bispecific antibodies
  • Obtain new data on inflammatory disease, and solid and liquid cancer targets
  • Block activation of angiogenic signalling pathways and disrupt the tumour microenvironment

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