Construction Waste Audit in the Framework of Sustainable Waste Management in Construction Projects—Case Study
:1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
2.1. Barriers to Improving the Environmental Performance of Construction Waste Management
2.2. Construction and Demolition Waste Audit
3. Materials and Methods
3.1. Research Material
- Complete demolition of the non-load-bearing exterior cladding.
- Complete demolition of the internal non-load-bearing partition walls.
- Complete demolition of internal stairs and lift shafts.
- Increasing the depth of the foundation slab because of the installation of new lift shafts and escalators.
- Demolition of a part of the roof because of the construction of a new roof structure.
- Reduction of the wooden roof truss overlap around the perimeter of the building.
- Drilling holes in Spiroll slabs because of the new communication system.
- Demolition works are to be carried out downwards, from the roof structure to the foundations.
3.2. Research Methods
3.2.1. Construction and Demolition Waste Audit
3.2.2. Economic Analysis of Construction and Demolition Waste Disposal
- Variant “A” presents the waste management according to CDWA recommendation.
- Variant “B” presents the least environment-friendly method of waste management, namely landfilling of the whole amount volume of waste.
- —costs for waste disposal (€)
- —volume of i-th waste type (t)
- —fee for j-th waste disposal method of i-th waste type (€/t)
- i—waste type
- j—waste disposal method
- —transport costs (€)
- —the number of kilometers for the transport of the total amount of i-th waste to the j-th waste disposal site (km)
- —fee for transport i-th waste type to j-th waste disposal site (€/km)
- i—waste type
- j—waste disposal method
- —the number of kilometers for the transport of the total amount of i-th waste to the j-th waste disposal site (km)
- —distance of the waste generation site for i-th waste type to the j-th waste disposal site (km)
- —number of rides from i-th waste type to the j-th waste disposal site waste type (pcs)
- i—waste type
- j—waste disposal method
- 2—return distance coefficient
- —number of rides from j-th waste disposal site to the waste generation site for i-th waste type (pcs)
- —volume of i-th waste type (m3)
- —volume of truck (m3)
- i—waste type
- j—waste disposal method
4. Results and Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
References and Note
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Potential Barrier | Source |
ineffective CDW dismantling, sorting, transporting, and recovering processes | [17,19,32] |
not green designing of construction projects—waste reduction does not receive sufficient attention in building planning and design | [19,35] |
using finitely recyclable construction materials | [19] |
overemphasizing recycle and non-environment friendly methods during the construction and demolition phases of construction projects | [20,21,22,23] |
preferring off-site CDW sorting/landfilling over on-site sorting due to lack of incentives | [21,24,25] |
lack of producer-based responsibility system in the production of construction materials | [28,29] |
inherent complexity of transforming to a circular economy in CDW management | [22,29] |
inadequate awareness, understanding, and insight into circular economy in CDW management | [17,21,29] |
no benefits to sorting packaging materials | [17] |
inherent complexity of transforming to circular economy in CDW management | [22,29] |
lack of integration of sustainable CDW management | [29] |
uncertain aftermaths of moving toward circular economy in CDW management | [26,29] |
assumption that waste generation is inevitable and cannot be reduced | [17] |
design not using standard-sized materials | [17] |
lack of certainty about CDW condition | [17,32] |
Potential Barrier | Source |
lack of funding to implement circular economy in CDW management | [26] |
tendency to manage cost and time rather than CDW | [24,27] |
traditional construction methods | [17,33] |
cost of recycling processes—construction price does not reflect the environmental cost | [18,32] |
lack of time/time needed for material separation | [17,18] |
limited budget/costs of material separation | [17] |
lack of contractual requirement for reusing materials | [17] |
reluctance to segregate for recycling and re-using materials with a low economic value or difficult to reuse | [34] |
perception that waste reduction activities are not cost-effective, | [34] |
financial benefits from waste reduction are inequitably distributed, providing little incentive for operatives | [34] |
Potential Barrier | Source |
lack of empirically-based literature on the barriers | [21,28,29] |
undeveloped individuals’ engagement | [20,26] |
constructor’s attitude | [17] |
user preference for new construction materials over reused/recycled ones | [21,26] |
lack of commitment by top urban managers to move toward circular economy in CDW management | [20,26] |
construction industry culture | [17] |
first priority is financial profit and not environmental issues | [17,18] |
ineffective CDW management | [32] |
lack of a well-developed waste recycling market | [32,33] |
the building users do not participate in the planning and design process | [37] |
low demand by clients for sustainable buildings | [35] |
difficulties in changing work practices of workforce | [33] |
a belief that waste reduction efforts will never be sufficient to completely eliminate waste | [18] |
Potential Barrier | Source |
inadequate policies and legal frameworks to manage CDW as well as lack of supervision on CDW management | [17,21,26,27,28,32,33,37] |
lack of clearly defined national goals, targets, and visions to move toward circular economy in CDW management | [20,25,30] |
non-standardized CDW reduction reporting as well as lack of accessible data | [18,20] |
lack of financial incentive | [17] |
lack of coordination among divisions | [35] |
inconsistencies between different governmental agencies | [35] |
absence of industry norms or performance standards for managing waste | [34] |
individual responsibilities for waste management are poorly defined, inadequately | [34] |
Legislative Obligation | Member State of EU |
mandatory audit | Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Spain, Sweden, The Netherlands, United Kingdom |
mandatory audit (only hazard CDW) | Hungary, Ireland, Poland, Slovenia |
no legislative obligation | Austria, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark Estonia, Germany, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia |
Waste Code | Type | Amount (t) | Category |
17 01 03 | tiles and ceramics | 1.5 | non-hazardous |
17 01 07 | mixtures of concrete, bricks, tiles, and ceramics other than those mentioned in 17 01 06 | 45.0 | non-hazardous |
17 02 01 | wood | 1.0 | non-hazardous |
17 02 02 | glass | 2.0 | non-hazardous |
17 04 05 | iron and steel | 1.2 | non-hazardous |
17 04 11 | cables other than those mentioned in 17 04 10 | 0.05 | non-hazardous |
17 05 04 | soil and stones other than those mentioned in 17 05 03 | 40.0 | non-hazardous |
17 09 04 | mixed construction and demolition waste other than those mentioned in 17 09 01, 17 09 02 and 17 09 03 | 1.0 | non-hazardous |
Facility | Distance (km) | Code of Treated CDW | Type of Waste Treatment | Treatment Fee (€/t) |
A | 40 | 17 01 03 17 01 07 17 02 01 17 05 04 | recycling | 5.00 10.00 20.00 5.00 |
B | 98 | 17 01 07 17 05 04 17 09 04 | recycling | 20.00 15.00 15.00 |
C | 110 | 17 01 07 17 05 04 | recycling | 10.00 10.00 |
D | 82 | 17 01 07 17 02 01 17 05 04 17 09 04 | recycling | 10.00 15.00 5.00 10.00 |
E | 28 | 17 01 03 17 01 07 17 02 01 17 02 02 17 04 05 17 04 11 17 05 04 17 09 04 | landfilling | 46.80 46.80 30.00 48.00 30.00 100.00 12.00 109.00 |
F | 73 | 17 01 07 17 02 01 17 05 04 17 09 04 | landfilling | 49.00 96.00 16.60 84.00 |
G | 5 | 17 02 02 17 04 05 17 04 11 | collection yard | 0.00 0.00 0.00 |
Type of Material | Type | Waste Code | Amount (t) |
inert waste | tiles and ceramics | 17 01 03 | 1.5 |
inert waste | mixtures of concrete, bricks, tiles and ceramics other than those mentioned in 17 01 06 | 17 01 07 | 50.0 |
inert waste | wood | 17 02 01 | 1.0 |
inert waste | glass | 17 02 02 | 2.0 |
inert waste | iron and steel | 17 04 05 | 1.2 |
inert waste | cables other than those mentioned in 17 04 10 | 17 04 11 | 0.05 |
inert waste | soil and stones other than those mentioned in 17 05 03 | 17 05 04 | 37.5 |
inert waste | mixed construction and demolition waste other than those mentioned in 17 09 01, 17 09 02 and 17 09 03 | 17 09 04 | 1.5 |
Type of Material | Waste Code | Amount (t) | Possible Outlets | Recommended Outlets |
inert waste | 17 01 03 | 1.5 | A—recycling E—landfilling | E—landfilling |
inert waste | 17 01 07 | 50 | A—recycling E—landfilling | A—recycling |
inert waste | 17 02 01 | 1.0 | A—recycling E—landfilling | A—recycling |
inert waste | 17 02 02 | 2.0 | E—landfilling G—collection yard | G—collection yard |
inert waste | 17 04 05 | 1.2 | E—landfilling G—collection yard | G—collection yard |
inert waste | 17 04 11 | 0.05 | E—landfilling G—collection yard | G—collection yard |
inert waste | 17 05 04 | 37.5 | A—recycling E—landfilling | A—recycling |
inert waste | 17 09 04 | 1.5 | A—recycling E—landfilling | A—recycling |
Waste Code | Recommended Outlets | Amount (t) | Treatment Fee (€/t) | Total Treatment Fee (€) |
17 01 03 | A—recycling | 1.5 | 5 | 7.50 |
17 01 07 | A—recycling | 50 | 10 | 500 |
17 02 01 | A—recycling | 1.0 | 20 | 20 |
17 02 02 | G—collection yard | 2.0 | 0 | 0 |
17 04 05 | G—collection yard | 1.2 | 0 | 0 |
17 04 11 | G—collection yard | 0.05 | 0 | 0 |
17 05 04 | A—recycling | 37.5 | 5 | 187.50 |
17 09 04 | E—landfilling | 1.5 | 109.00 | 163.50 |
TOTAL | 878.50 € |
Waste Code | Recommended Outlets | Amount (t) | Treatment Fee (€/t) | Total Treatment Fee (€) |
17 01 03 | E—landfilling | 1.5 | 46.80 | 70.20 |
17 01 07 | E—landfilling | 50 | 46.80 | 2340 |
17 02 01 | E—landfilling | 1.0 | 30 | 30 |
17 02 02 | E—landfilling | 2.0 | 48 | 96 |
17 04 05 | E—landfilling | 1.2 | 30 | 36 |
17 04 11 | E—landfilling | 0.05 | 100 | 5 |
17 05 04 | E—landfilling | 37.5 | 12 | 450 |
17 09 04 | E—landfilling | 1.5 | 109.00 | 163.50 |
TOTAL | 3190.70 € |
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Spišáková, M.; Mésároš, P.; Mandičák, T. Construction Waste Audit in the Framework of Sustainable Waste Management in Construction Projects—Case Study. Buildings 2021, 11, 61.
Spišáková M, Mésároš P, Mandičák T. Construction Waste Audit in the Framework of Sustainable Waste Management in Construction Projects—Case Study. Buildings. 2021; 11(2):61.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSpišáková, Marcela, Peter Mésároš, and Tomáš Mandičák. 2021. "Construction Waste Audit in the Framework of Sustainable Waste Management in Construction Projects—Case Study" Buildings 11, no. 2: 61.
APA StyleSpišáková, M., Mésároš, P., & Mandičák, T. (2021). Construction Waste Audit in the Framework of Sustainable Waste Management in Construction Projects—Case Study. Buildings, 11(2), 61.