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An Overview of the Running Performance of Athletes with Lower-Limb Amputation at the Paralympic Games 2004–2012

The Statistical Research Centre, Business School, Bournemouth University, Bournemouth BH8 8EB, UK
Institute for International Energy Studies (IIES), 65 Sayeh St., Vali-e-Asr Ave., Tehran 1967743 711, Iran
School of Design, Engineering and Computing, Bournemouth University, Poole House P124, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, Bournemouth BH12 5BB, UK
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Sports 2015, 3(2), 103-115;
Submission received: 16 February 2015 / Accepted: 3 June 2015 / Published: 16 June 2015


This paper analyses the performances of lower-limb amputees in the 100, 200 and 400 m running events from the 2004, 2008 and 2012 Paralympic Games. In this paper, four hypotheses are pursued. In the first, it investigates whether the running performance of lower-limb amputees over three consecutive Paralympic Games has changed. In the second, it asks whether a bi-lateral amputee has a competitive advantage over a uni-lateral amputee. In the third, the effect of blade classification has been considered and we attempt to see whether amputees in various classifications have different level of performance. Finally, it is considered whether the final round of competition obtains different levels of performance in comparison to the qualification heats. Based on the outcomes of these investigations, it is proposed that future amputee-based running events should be undertaken with separate and not combined events for the T42, T43 and T44 classifications at the Paralympic Games.

1. Introduction

Athletes who possess some level of disability have participated in competitive sports for over a century. However it was not until after the Second World War that the first formalised sports event for the disabled people took place. This was initially based in Stoke Mandeville in the UK and eventually directly influenced what has subsequently become known as the Paralympic Games from 1960 [1]. These games currently take place every four years [2] at the same venue as the Olympic Games. Athletics forms a key part of the Paralympic Games programme and attracts the largest number of spectators [3]. Structured competition involving running with a lower-limb amputation has taken place consistently since 1976 [4].
If an amputee with a lower-limb amputation wishes to compete in running competition within the Paralympic Games, they are assessed for their physical functionality [5] and then typically allocated into one of three race classifications [6]. These event classifications are defined as:
T42: a single (uni-lateral) above knee (trans-femoral) amputee or athlete with other impairments that is comparable to a single above knee amputation.
T43: double (bi-lateral) below knee (trans-tibial) amputees and other athletes with impairments that are comparable to a double below knee amputation.
T44: an athlete with a below knee lower limb impairment/s that meets minimum disability criteria for: lower limb deficiency; impaired lower limb; impaired lower limb muscle power; or leg length difference.
It should be noted that during the Paralympic Games that have been analysed in this study, the T43 category has been combined with the T44 category in the male running events. This has been mainly been due to the low participation numbers in the T43 category. The governing body has traditionally decided to combine this classification with the T44 category. This combined category is still referred to as ‘T44’ as it comprises more of these types of athletes.
Competing when using running specific lower-limb prostheses has not been without some level of controversy. For example, in 2008 it was proposed that a lower-limb bi-lateral amputee could have a performance advantage when compared to their able-bodied equivalent due to some level of performance enhancement from their prostheses [7]. Additionally, due to fundamental functional differences, it was proposed that the T43 and T44 should be separated in competition—despite this not currently being the case [4]. As a result, the aim of this paper is to address and reinforce some of the issues that may surround the diversity of athletes that will compete in the typical classifications at the Paralympic Games in recent editions. Four hypotheses are posed:
The performance of athletes with an amputation within the current format of athlete classification has changed from 2004 to 2012.
The number of prosthetic limbs being used by an athlete has an impact on race results when running specific prostheses are used.
The athletes in different classifications will have the same level of performance.
The final round of running competition at the Paralympic Games in each classification has the same level of performance as their qualification rounds.

2. Methodology

The race results from the 100, 200 and 400 m form the basis of a statistical analysis of the 2012 (London), 2008 (Beijing) and the 2004 (Athens) Paralympics Games. These results are located within the public domain and are extracted from the official website of the sport’s governing body [8]. This data includes the name, ranking and country of representation, as well as the performance of each athlete. The number of prosthetic lower-limbs that each athlete may have used was derived from the athlete’s biography and/or online photographic evidence [8]. The raw data is included in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2. While Appendix 1, gives some detailed information for 2012 results, the Appendix 2, represents the information for 2004 and 2008 Paralympic Games in the running event.
As the main purpose of this report is about identifying the differences between two or more groups, the ANOVA test was used as the best statistical tool to address the four hypotheses. The homogeneity test (whether different groups have the same level of variation between them or not) and normality are the two key assumptions when using the ANOVA test [9]. After creating the data sets for each research question, both the normality and homogeneity tests were undertaken. If both of these two key assumptions were satisfied within and between groups, the ANOVA test was then used in order to address each research hypotheses. If any of these assumptions were not then satisfied, the Kruskal-Wallis test was used instead of ANOVA. The Kruska-Wallis test is a non-parametric test which is not sensitive to normality [10].

3. Analysis

3.1. Hypothesis 1: The Performance of Athletes with an Amputation within the Current Format of Athlete Classification Has Changed from 2004 to 2012.

The answer to this question is primarily addressed in Table 1. In Table 1, the first column (“category”) clarifies which specific category analysis was undertaken. The second column (“N”) represents the whole sample size and the numbers in parentheses represent the sample size in each year (2004, 2008 and 2012). The third and fourth columns illustrate the p value of homogeneity and normality tests in each group. The fifth and sixed columns represent the results of p value for ANOVA or Kruskal-Wallis test (where relevant).
Table 1. A comparison on the performance of amputees in 100 m in 2004, 2008, and 2012.
Table 1. A comparison on the performance of amputees in 100 m in 2004, 2008, and 2012.
CategoryNHomogeneity NormalityANOVAKruskal-Wallis
100 m-T4231(20,5,6)0.971.18 × 10−5-0.46
100 m-T4467(28,19,20)0.210.04-0.36
100 m-all98(48,24,26)0.05, 0.05, 0.240.740.49-
200 m-T4464(26,18,20)0.480.21, 0.01-0.69
200 m-all80(35,18,27)0.240.01-0.18
400 m-T4441(19,6,16)0.040.96, 0.64, 0.43-0.08
In Table 1, the p value of the ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests are all above 5%. Therefore, we can conclude that with adopting a 95% confidence interval, no statistical difference was identified between these three groups (2004, 2008 and 2012). This means that the posed hypothesis was incorrect and based upon the statistical analysis here, it is proposed that the running performance of the amputees from 2004 till 2012 did not change significantly.

3.2. Hypothesis 2: The Number of Prosthetic Limbs Being Used by an Athlete Has an Impact on Race Results

The race-based data was categorized in three different groups. The first group comprises amputees who use just one prosthetic limb. The second group contains amputees who use two prosthetic limbs and the third comprises those who run without prosthetic limbs at all (but due to their functionality, compete in the same classification). In order to detect any differences in the mean completion time of the event, either the ANOVA or the Kruskal-Wallis Test were then applied as appropriate.
In Table 2, the Kruskal-Wallis test did not identify any significant difference regarding the effect of the number of blades with a 5% significance level in either the 100 or 200 m. However, in the 400 and 200 m T44 event, the test identified a significant difference between three groups at a 5% significance level. Alternatively, this finding could also be interpreted as when the distance of the competition gets longer (400 m), the number of prostheses used ultimately affects the results of the event. In order to answer which group in particular has any advantage when compared to other groups, further analysis is required. In order to address this issue, the Tukey post hoc test was applied. Table 3 and Table 4 represents the results of this test for 400 m and 200 m-T44.
Table 2. The effect of number of blades.
Table 2. The effect of number of blades.
CategoryNHomogeneity Normality Kruskal-Wallis
100 m-T42-All31(3,25,3)0.191.88 × 10−50.48
100 m-T44-All66(13,49,4)0.280.01, 0.250.06
200 m-T42-All15(2,11,2)0.060.660.79
200 m-T44-All64(14,47,3)0.630.03, 0.000.01
400 m-T44-all41(11,27,3)0.700.80, 0.410.00
Table 3. Tukey post hoc test for 200 m-T44.
Table 3. Tukey post hoc test for 200 m-T44.
CategoryMean DifferenceStd. ErrorSig.
1 blade2 blade1.57 *0.380.00
0 blade−0.030.740.99
2 blade1 blade−1.57 *0.380.00
0 blade−1.600.800.12
0 blade1 blade0.030.740.99
2 blade1.600.800.12
* indicates 5% significance level.
As the sample size in the group possessing no prosthetic limbs is so small (2), we cannot make any robust conclusions from it and instead focus on the results of the other groups. In Table 5 it is demonstrated that there is a statistically significant difference between the results of people who run with 1 blade or 2 blades (p = 0.00). Based on the descriptive data for these two groups (22.7 s for 2 blade and 24.27 s for 1 blades), it is proposed that those who are bi-lateral lower-limb amputees have a competitive advantage compared to those who are uni-lateral. It is worth noting that although the normality test in this category was calculated as negative (and that we cannot use post hoc test in this case), at least applying that test gives an indication as to where any difference is. Table 4 represents the results of Tukey Post Hoc Test for 400 m competition.
Table 4. Tukey post hoc test for 400 m.
Table 4. Tukey post hoc test for 400 m.
CategoryMean differenceStd. errorSig.
0 blade1 blade−0.381.350.96
2 blade3.281.450.07
1 blade0 blade0.381.350.96
2 blade3.65 *0.800.00
2 blade0 blade−3.281.450.07
1 blade−3.65 *0.800.00
* indicates 5% significance level.
Table 5. Effect of classification.
Table 5. Effect of classification.
100 m
T42/Final-T44/Final41(18,23)0.440.26, 0.046.06 × 10−7
T42/All-T44/All99(32,67)0.360.00, 0.026.06 × 10−7
200 m
T42/Final-T44/Final37(15,22)0.170.85, 0.110.00
T42/all-T44/all79(15,64)0.180.85, 0.012.52 × 10−7
The results of the Tukey post hoc Test indicate a statistically significant difference between the groups who use two blades when compared to the two other groups. By considering the mean time of the race completion by these groups (50.86 s for 2 prostheses, 54.51 s for 1 prostheses and 54.14 s for no prostheses) it is proposed that historically, when racing over 400 m, runners who have used two prosthetic lower-limbs may have had an advantage compared to other groups who had only one (or none).
The results of this analysis supports the posed hypotheses and indicates that, from a statistical perspective, bi-lateral amputees participating in the T44 events in either the 200 m and the 400 m distances, demonstrate better running performance when compared to other types of T44 participants (such as the T43 classification). This finding is supported by published research when evaluating such athletes physiologically [11] or as a mechanical system [12]. In a study commissioned by the sport’s governing body (the IAAF), a bilateral amputee world record holder utilized 25% less energy compared to able-bodied athletes when running at the same speed over the 400 m distance [11]. It was also proposed that when a sinusoidal input is matched to an energy storage and return prostheses, it can make the prostheses susceptible to resonance. Theoretically, if this impulse could be synchronised with the frequency of a humans running effort, it could result in the storage (and then recovery) of a substantial amount of energy in the system therefore offering a degree of performance enhancement [13].

3.3. Hypothesis 3: Athletes Racing in Different Classifications Will Have the Same Level of Performance

The length of any amputated residual limb (such as above-knee or below-knee) could be considered as a factor which could affect the results of competition in running exercise. As it was mentioned earlier, in order to have a fair competition in Paralympic games, athletes are placed in different classifications based upon their functionality. This section of the paper compares the results of athletes who participate in the T42 category with those who participate in the T44 classification. The results are illustrated in Table 5 and Table 6.
As in all cases p value is below 5%, there is a statistically significant difference between the T42 and T44 classifications. The descriptive analysis related to these two classifications is shown in Table 6.
Table 6. Descriptive data for T42 and T44.
Table 6. Descriptive data for T42 and T44.
CategoryT42 mean (s)T44 mean (s)
100 m
200 m
It is proposed that the posed hypothesis was correct and that the T44 category may have had an advantage in running-based competition when compared to T42.

3.4. Hypothesis 4: The Final Round of Running Competition at the Paralympic Games in Each Classification Has the Same Level of Performance as Their Qualification Rounds

During each Paralympic Games, athletes qualify for a final round based upon successful qualification from a heat or semi-final which had preceded it. However, it is not known how much effort an athlete applies in their heat to ensure qualification for the final. The data of each race classification type is separated into two groups. The first group is the data related to the qualification round and the second group is related to the final round. After the normality and homogeneity tests have been calculated, the p value of Kruskal-Wallis or ANOVA are then also calculated to see whether any difference exists between these rounds. The results of this are shown in Table 7.
Table 7. Effect of final round.
Table 7. Effect of final round.
CategoryNHomogeneityNormality Kruskal-Wallis test
100 m-T4220(12,8)0.0260.0010.231
100 m-T4428(20,8)0.1030.0230.001
100 m-all48(31,17)0.4110.0000.216
200 m-T4226(18,8)0.4680.484, 0.0230.133
200 m-all35(18,7)0.0480.484, 0.2940.176
400 m-T4419(11,8)0.8390.978, 0.8330.247
In all six categories (except the 100 m-T44), the P value of the Kruskal-Wallis test or ANOVA is above 5%. As a result it is proposed that when adopting a 95% confidence interval, the posed hypothesis was correct as these two tests did not identify any significant difference between the qualification rounds and the final rounds performances. This means that although the result in the final is paramount, there is generally no different in the relative result of the same athletes in the qualification rounds. However, due to the limitations of the design of current athletics tracks comprising typically 8–12 lanes, the existing process of qualification is warranted (despite the end result being similar) if overall participation levels of each qualification in the sport are intended to be maximised by the sport’s governing body.

4. Conclusions

A statistical analysis of the results from three consecutive Paralympic Games from 2004 to 2012 do not show any significant change in the general performance of athletes. It was identified that the performance of athletes in the qualification heat did not change substantially when the same athletes ran again in the final. The statistical analyses in this research suggested that athletes with below-knee amputation consistently outperformed those with above-knee amputation. Finally, the results in this study demonstrate that in long running competition, bi-lateral lower-limb amputees have an advantage compared to uni-lateral lower-limb amputees. On the basis of the statistical analyses in this study, it is proposed that future Paralympic Games should be undertaken with separate events for the T42, T43 and T44 classifications and not hold combined events as they have done in the past.


The authors thank the reviewers for their thorough review and highly appreciate the comments and suggestions, which significantly contributed to improving the quality of the paper.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


Appendix 1

Table A1-1. 100 m/First Round/Heat 1/T42/London 2012.
Table A1-1. 100 m/First Round/Heat 1/T42/London 2012.
RankAthlete(s)CountryResults (s)Specification
1Popow, HeinrichGER12.431 leg
2Reardon, ScottAUS12.451 leg
3Whitehead, RichardGBR12.972 leg
4Vance, ShaquilleUSA13.171 leg
5Sveinsson, HelgiISL15.641 leg
6Pilgrim, Jamol AllanANT15.761 leg
Table A1-2. 100 m/First Round/Heat 2/T42/London 2012.
Table A1-2. 100 m/First Round/Heat 2/T42/London 2012.
RankAthlete(s)CountryResults (s)Specification
1Czyz, WojtekGER12.531leg
2Connor, EarleCAN12.561 leg
3Kayitare, ClavelFRA12.590 leg
4Yamamoto, AtsushiJPN12.871 leg
5Jorgensen, DanielDEN13.211 leg
6Garcia-Tolson, RudyUSA13.772 leg
Table A1-3. 100 m/Final round/T42/London 2012.
Table A1-3. 100 m/Final round/T42/London 2012.
RankAthlete(s)CountryResults (s)Specification
1Popow, HeinrichGER12.41 leg
2Reardon, ScottAUS12.431 leg
3Czyz, WojtekGER12.521 leg
4Connor, EarleCAN12.651 leg
5Kayitare, ClavelFRA12.730 leg
6Yamamoto, AtsushiJPN12.921 leg
7Whitehead, RichardGBR12.992 leg
8Vance, ShaquilleUSA13.031 leg
Table A1-4. 100 m/First Round/Heat 1/T44/London 2012.
Table A1-4. 100 m/First Round/Heat 1/T44/London 2012.
RankAthlete(s)CountryResults (s)Specification
1Peacock, JonnieGBR11.081 leg
2Singleton, JeromeUSA11.461 leg
3Oliveira, Alan Fonteles CardosoBRA11.562 leg
4Fernandes, Marcio Miguel Da CostaCPV12.161 leg
5Behre, DavidGER12.272 leg
6Scendoni, RiccardoITA12.451 leg
7Jia, TianleiCHN12.491 leg
Table A1-5. 100 m/First Round/Heat 2/T44/London 2012.
Table A1-5. 100 m/First Round/Heat 2/T44/London 2012.
RankAthlete(s)CountryResults (s)Specification
1Pistorius, OscarRSA11.182 leg
2Leeper, BlakeUSA11.342 leg
3Liu, ZhimingCHN11.840 leg
4Rehm, MarkusGER11.921 leg
5Alaize, Jean-BaptisteFRA12.111 leg
6Prokopyev, IvanRUS12.212 leg
7Mayer, RobertAUT12.611 leg
Table A1-6. 100 m/First Round/Heat 3/T44/London 2012.
Table A1-6. 100 m/First Round/Heat 3/T44/London 2012.
RankAthlete(s)CountryResults (s)Specification
1Fourie, ArnuRSA11.291 leg
2Browne, RichardUSA11.331 leg
3McQueen, AlisterCAN12.021 leg
4Bausch, ChristophSUI12.091 leg
5Oliveira, AndreBRA12.352 leg
6Haruta, JunJPN12.691 leg
Table A1-7. 100 m/Final round/T44/London 2012.
Table A1-7. 100 m/Final round/T44/London 2012.
RankAthlete(s)CountryResults (s)Specification
1Peacock, JonnieGBR10.91 leg
2Browne, RichardUSA11.031 leg
3Fourie, ArnuRSA11.081 leg
4Pistorius, OscarRSA11.172 leg
5Leeper, BlakeUSA11.212 leg
6Singleton, JeromeUSA11.251 leg
7Oliveira, Alan Fonteles CardosoBRA11.332 leg
8Liu, ZhimingCHN11.970 leg
Table A1-8. 200 m/T42/London 2012.
Table A1-8. 200 m/T42/London 2012.
RankAthlete(s)CountryResults (s)Specification
1Whitehead, RichardGBR24.382 leg
2Vance, ShaquilleUSA25.551 leg
3Popow, HeinrichGER25.91 leg
4Reardon, ScottAUS26.031 leg
5Czyz, WojtekGER26.071 leg
6Kayitare, ClavelFRA26.220 leg
7Jorgensen, DanielDEN26.461 leg
8Yamamoto, AtsushiJPN26.761 leg
9Garcia-Tolson, RudyUSA26.972 leg
Table A1-9. 200 m/First Round/Heat 1/T44/London 2012.
Table A1-9. 200 m/First Round/Heat 1/T44/London 2012.
RankAthlete(s)CountryResults (s)Specification
1Oliveira, Alan Fonteles CardosoBRA21.882 leg
2Singleton, JeromeUSA23.231 leg
3McQueen, AlisterCAN24.251 leg
4Prokopyev, IvanRUS24.262 leg
5Alaize, Jean-BaptisteFRA24.422 leg
6Swift, JackAUS24.881 leg
Table A1-10. 200 m/First Round/Heat 2/T44/London 2012.
Table A1-10. 200 m/First Round/Heat 2/T44/London 2012.
RankAthlete(s)CountryResults (s)Specification
1Leeper, BlakeUSA22.232 leg
2Fourie, ArnuRSA22.571 leg
3Behre, DavidGER23.651 leg
4Bausch, ChristophSUR24.221 leg
5Mayer, RobertAUT24.671 leg
6Jia, TianleiCHN25.621 leg
Table A1-11. 200 m/First Round/Heat 3/T44/London 2012.
Table A1-11. 200 m/First Round/Heat 3/T44/London 2012.
RankAthlete(s)CountryResults (s)Specification
1Pistorius, OscarRSA21.32 leg
2Bizzell, Jim BobUSA23.641 leg
3Sato, KeitaJPN24.341 leg
4Scendoni, RiccardoITA24.511 leg
5Fernandes, Marcio Miguel Da CostaCPV24.841 leg
6Pituwala Kankanange, Dumeera Maduranga AlwisSRI26.230 leg
Table A1-12. 200 m/Final Round/T44/London 2012.
Table A1-12. 200 m/Final Round/T44/London 2012.
RankAthlete(s)CountryResults (s)Specification
1Oliveira, Alan Fonteles CardosoBRA21.452 leg
2Pistorius, OscarRSA21.522 leg
3Leeper, BlakeUSA22.462 leg
4Fourie, ArnuRSA22.491 leg
5Singleton, JeromeUSA23.581 leg
6Bausch, ChristophSUI23.71 leg
7Behre, DavidGER23.711 leg
8Bizzell, Jim BobUSA28.191 leg
Table A1-13. 400 m/First Round/Heat 1/T44/London 2012.
Table A1-13. 400 m/First Round/Heat 1/T44/London 2012.
RankAthlete(s)CountryResults (s)Specification
1Leeper, BlakeUSA50.632 leg
2Oliveira, Alan Fonteles CardosoBRA53.022 leg
3Liu, ZhimingCHN54.820 leg
4Scendoni, RiccardoITA55.881 leg
5Swift, JackAUS55.941 leg
6Benitez Sandoval, JosueMEX59.791 leg
Table A1-14. 400 m/First Round/Heat 2/T44/London 2012.
Table A1-14. 400 m/First Round/Heat 2/T44/London 2012.
RankAthlete(s)CountryResults (s)Specification
1Pistorius, OscarRSA48.312 leg
2Behre, DavidGER51.372 leg
3Prince, DavidUSA52.291 leg
4Wallace, JarrydUSA53.511 leg
5Prokopyev, Ivan Sato, KeitaRUS53.862 leg
Table A1-15. 400 m/Final Round/T44/London 2012.
Table A1-15. 400 m/Final Round/T44/London 2012.
RankAthlete(s)CountryResults (s)Specification
1Pistorius, OscarRSA46.682 leg
2Leeper, BlakeUSA50.142 leg
3Prince, DavidUSA50.611 leg
4Oliveira, Alan Fonteles CardosoBRA51.592 leg
5Behre, DavidGER51.652 leg
6Wallace, JarrydUSA53.91 leg
7Prokopyev, IvanRUS54.742 leg
8Liu, ZhimingCHN55.910 leg

Appendix 2

The numbers in parenthesis in second column, indicates the number of bilateral, unilateral, and those who run on natural leg (but considered as an amputee).
Table A2-1. 100 m Descriptive data for 2008 Beijing.
Table A2-1. 100 m Descriptive data for 2008 Beijing.
T44/Heat 16(0,5,1)11.911.960.2511.4912.120.299
T44/Heat 26(1,4,1)12.1512.040.8311.1613.450.801
Table A2-2. 200 m Descriptive data for 2008 Beijing.
Table A2-2. 200 m Descriptive data for 2008 Beijing.
T44/Heat 15(1,4,0)24.8124.172.0123.2228.320.025
T44/Heat 25(1,3,1)24.0924.220.9322.7124.950.495
Table A2-3. 400 m Descriptive data for 2008 Beijing.
Table A2-3. 400 m Descriptive data for 2008 Beijing.
Table A2-4. 100 m Descriptive data for 2004 Athens.
Table A2-4. 100 m Descriptive data for 2004 Athens.
T44/Heat 15(0,5,0)12.4112.570.7311.2312.950.115
T44/Heat 26(1,5,0)11.8811.930.51511.212.520.74
Table A2-5. 200 m Descriptive data for 2004 Athens.
Table A2-5. 200 m Descriptive data for 2004 Athens.
T44/Heat 16(1,5,0)24.7124.511.07923.4226.550.759
T44/Heat 26(0,6,0)24.8124.481.05323.526.180.427
Table A2-6. 400 m Descriptive data for 2004 Athens.
Table A2-6. 400 m Descriptive data for 2004 Athens.
T44/Heat 15(0,5,0)55.3855.671.23653.5856.70.794
T44/Heat 24(0,4,0)55.3654.312.22954.1258.70.006


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Hassani, H.; Ghodsi, M.; Shadi, M.; Noroozi, S.; Dyer, B. An Overview of the Running Performance of Athletes with Lower-Limb Amputation at the Paralympic Games 2004–2012. Sports 2015, 3, 103-115.

AMA Style

Hassani H, Ghodsi M, Shadi M, Noroozi S, Dyer B. An Overview of the Running Performance of Athletes with Lower-Limb Amputation at the Paralympic Games 2004–2012. Sports. 2015; 3(2):103-115.

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Hassani, Hossein, Mansi Ghodsi, Mehran Shadi, Siamak Noroozi, and Bryce Dyer. 2015. "An Overview of the Running Performance of Athletes with Lower-Limb Amputation at the Paralympic Games 2004–2012" Sports 3, no. 2: 103-115.

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