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Journal: Viruses, 2021
Volume: 13
Number: 2253

Article: Association between Maternal Non-Coding Interferon-λ Polymorphisms and Congenital Zika Syndrome in a Cohort from Brazilian Northeast
Authors: by Átila Duque Rossi, Fabio Rueda Faucz, Adriana Melo, Girlene Souza de Azevedo, Paula Pezzuto, Ohanna Cavalcanti de Lima Bezerra, Fernanda Saloum de Neves Manta, Tamiris Azamor, Bruno Luiz Fonseca Schamber-Reis, Amilcar Tanuri, Milton Ozório Moraes, Renato Santana Aguiar, Constantine A. Stratakis and Cynthia Chester Cardoso

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