Binder Jetting 3D Printing of Binary Cement—Siliceous Sand Mixture
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results
3.1. Flowability
3.2. Density
3.3. Mechanical Properties
3.4. Microscopic Analysis
4. Conclusions
- The flow characteristics of mixtures with lower OPC content were good to fair, while those with higher OPC content showed passable to cohesive/poor flow. The Hausner ratio (HR) and Carr’s index (CI) show that flow dynamics were affected by the steady increase in OPC concentration. These results indicate the significance of OPC concentration in determining the general flow behavior of binary cement mixtures and provide important information for uses in 3D printing technology.
- The OPC content plays a critical role in improving the overall density of the 3D-printed specimens. As the proportion of OPC cement exceeds that of quick-setting cement, the higher specific gravity of OPC becomes the primary factor in improving the overall density and the mechanical properties of the material.
- Mix-VII exhibits relatively high flexural strength, peaking at 1.9 MPa after seven days and increasing to 2.7 MPa by the 28th day. Further highlighting Mix-VII’s strong mechanical performance is this positive trend in compressive strength over time.
- Variable binary cement content improves mechanical properties up to 35:5:60 wt% of OPC:QSC:sand; above that, more cement content causes the strength to decrease.
- The findings show that there is an apparent reduction in mechanical strength as layer thickness increases. This result implies that the mechanical strength and layer thickness are inversely related. This observed pattern emphasizes how crucial it is to take layer thickness into account as an essential.
- Microscopic analysis confirms a correlation between strength and voids at different layer thicknesses, with the increase in voids appearing as the source of the strength decrease. In conclusion, our research clearly shows how layer thickness affects void formation and mechanical strength in printed concrete samples.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Mixture | Content (Sand:OPC:QSC) wt% |
Mix-I | 50:40:10 |
Mix-II | 60:35:5 |
Mix-III | 70:30:0 |
Mix-IV | 70:25:5 |
Mix-V | 70:20:10 |
Mix-VI | 70:15:15 |
Mix-VII | 75:25:0 |
Mixture | HR | CI | Flow Character |
Mix-I | 1.35 | 26 | Cohesive/poor |
Mix-II | 1.31 | 24 | Passable |
Mix-III | 1.28 | 22 | Passable |
Mix-IV | 1.28 | 22 | Passable |
Mix-V | 1.21 | 18 | Fair |
Mix-VI | 1.17 | 15 | Good |
Mix-VII | 1.23 | 19 | Fair |
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Shahid, M.; Sglavo, V.M. Binder Jetting 3D Printing of Binary Cement—Siliceous Sand Mixture. Materials 2024, 17, 1514.
Shahid M, Sglavo VM. Binder Jetting 3D Printing of Binary Cement—Siliceous Sand Mixture. Materials. 2024; 17(7):1514.
Chicago/Turabian StyleShahid, Mursaleen, and Vincenzo M. Sglavo. 2024. "Binder Jetting 3D Printing of Binary Cement—Siliceous Sand Mixture" Materials 17, no. 7: 1514.
APA StyleShahid, M., & Sglavo, V. M. (2024). Binder Jetting 3D Printing of Binary Cement—Siliceous Sand Mixture. Materials, 17(7), 1514.