Industrial Calibration Procedure for Confocal Microscopes
:1. Introduction
- It adds the Z-axis to traditional measuring optical microscopes, which only work in the XY plane.
- It allows analysis of the 3D geometry of the object surface and characterization of its quality from data points acquired while scanning it.
- Its lateral resolution is better than in traditional optical microscopy.
- It permits more precise 3D images of the objects being measured to be obtained that are of higher quality and in less time compared to other methods. This allows many useful measurements to be carried out in short intervals of time.
- Transparent specimens can be observed, as can sections with a certain thickness, without the need to section the object under study.
- Metrological characteristics of the instrument: measurement noise, flatness deviation, non-linearity errors, amplification coefficients, and perpendicularity errors between axes.
- Instrument geometry: alignment of components and the XY stage and rotary stage error motions.
- Source characteristics: focal spot size and drift.
- Detector characteristics: pixel response, uniformity and linearity, detector offset, and bad pixels.
- Reconstruction and data processing: surface determinations, data representation, and calculation approaches.
- Environmental conditions: temperature, humidity, and vibration.
2. Materials and Methods
- Leica DCM3D confocal microscope (Wetzlar, Germany) with a 10× objective (EPI-L, NA = 0,30). Field of view 1270 µm × 952 µm (768 × 576 pixels); 1.65 µm nominal voxel width. The overall range of the Z-axis is 944 µm using 2 µm axial steps (voxel height), but the instrument is used in a reduced working range of only 100 µm.
- SensoSCAN—LeicaSCAN DCM3D 3.41.0 software developed by Sensofar Tech Ltd. (Terrassa, Spain).
- Calibration of the X and Y scales, using a stage micrometer as a reference measurement standard.
- Estimation of perpendicularity error between X and Y axes.
- Estimation of the flatness deviation of the focal plane using an optical flat.
- Calibration of Z scale using a calibrated steel sphere.
- Calibration of the confocal microscope for the measurement of 2D roughness using periodic and aperiodic 2D roughness measurement standards.
- Easy to find.
- Easy to calibrate with low enough uncertainties in National Measurement Institutes (NMIs) or preferably in accredited calibration laboratories (ACLs).
- Stable mechanical artifacts that could guarantee long recalibration intervals.
- Common in the field of dimensional metrology in order to facilitate their acquisition, calibration, and correct use.
2.1. Flatness Verification
2.2. XY Plane Calibration
2.3. Z-Axis Calibration
2.4. Calibration for Roughness Measurements
- The way the surface is detected is totally different: microscopes use light, and stylus instruments use a mechanical tip. Usually, optical instruments present higher instrument noise than stylus instruments. Possible reasons are the effects of multiple scattering and discontinuities [45]. As a consequence, optical instruments tend to overestimate surface roughness.
- Stylus instruments permit evaluation lengths that are as long as necessary (see ISO 4288 [44]). Microscopes usually have small fields of view that limit the maximum length of the profile that can be scanned. For example, for samples with 0.1 µm 2 µm, ISO 4288 recommends using five sampling lengths mm for a total evaluation length mm. This is not a problem for stylus instruments, which can cope with longer evaluation lengths (up to 100 mm in some cases). However, the confocal microscope described at the beginning of Section 2 has a maximum evaluation length of 1.27 mm. Therefore, only one sampling length mm could be used. Using only one sampling length instead of five usually causes a bias toward lower values, which are accompanied by an increase in variability. The effect is considerably higher when even the sampling length has to be reduced.
2.5. Summary of Characteristics of Measurement Standards Used during Calibration
3. Results
3.1. Flatness Verification
3.2. XY Plane Calibration
3.3. Z-Axis Calibration
3.4. Calibration for Roughness Measurements
- Dominant contributions to uncertainties are the calibration uncertainties of the roughness standards.
- There is a high probability that all roughness standards were calibrated in the same calibration laboratory. Therefore, there will be strong correlation between them.
4. Discussion
4.1. Expanded Uncertainty Estimation for Length Measurements in the XY Plane
4.2. Expanded Uncertainty Estimation for Height Measurements along the Z-Axis
4.3. Expanded Uncertainty for Roughness Measurements
4.4. Propagation of Uncertainty When Measuring the Radius of a Cylindrical Surface
5. Conclusions
- Amplification coefficients , , and .
- Non-linearity errors.
- Perpendicularity error between X and Y axes.
- Relative difference in pixel dimensions along X and Y axes.
- Repeatabilities when measuring lengths or heights.
- Flatness deviations in the XY plane.
- Bias deviation when measuring roughness.
- Instrument noise when measuring roughness.
- Repeatability when measuring roughness.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Algorithm for Spherical Cap Fitting
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Reference Measurement Std. | Parameter | Certified Value (µm) | Std. Uncertainty (μm) |
Optical flat | Total flatness error | 0.118 | 0.025 |
RMS flatness | 0.028 | 0.007 | |
Stage Micrometer | Average pitch | 9.980 | 0.005 |
Sphere | Diameter | 4 001.08 | 0.25 |
Roughness std. #1 metallic, aperiodic | () 1 | 0.183 48 | 0.039 |
Roughness std. #2 metallic, aperiodic | () 1 | 0.512 185 | 0.041 |
Roughness std. #3 metallic, aperiodic | () 1 | 1.677 176 | 0.057 |
Roughness std. #4 glass, periodic | () 1 | 0.460 100 | 0.030 |
Roughness std. #5 metallic, aperiodic | () 1 | 0.850 120 | 0.030 |
Roughness std. #6 glass, periodic | () 1 | 2.440 200 | 0.080 |
Position | RMS Flatness (μm) |
0° | 0.48 |
90° | 0.59 |
Position | (μm) | Non-Linearity RMS (μm) | |||
1 | 0° | 9.892 34 | 0.000 53 | 0.34 | 0.71 |
2 | 45° | 9.897 33 | 0.000 57 | 0.38 | 0.60 |
3 | 90° | 9.891 56 | 0.000 49 | 0.42 | 0.69 |
4 | 135° | 9.889 50 | 0.000 47 | 0.34 | 0.61 |
Position | Illumination | RMS Error (μm) | |
0° | Blue | 0.86 | 3.9740 |
45° | Blue | 1.08 | 3.9562 |
90° | Blue | 1.08 | 3.9638 |
0° | White | 0.86 | 3.9740 |
45° | White | 0.89 | 3.9828 |
90° | White | 0.87 | 3.9766 |
Reference Meas. Std. | Average Ra (μm) | Repeatability | Corrected Ra | Bias Estimation (μm) | |
Roughness std. #1 | 0.43 | 0.06 | 0.43 | 0.25 | 0.04 |
Roughness std. #2 | 0.59 | 0.06 | 0.60 | 0.08 | 0.05 |
Roughness std. #3 | 1.70 | 0.11 | 1.71 | 0.04 | 0.07 |
Roughness std. #4 | 0.51 | 0.04 | 0.52 | 0.06 | 0.03 |
Roughness std. #5 | 0.95 | 0.05 | 0.96 | 0.11 | 0.03 |
Roughness std. #6 1 | 2.50 | 0.06 | 2.53 | 0.09 | 0.08 |
Parameter | Value | Units | Standard Uncertainty |
0.008 83 | - | 0.00050 | |
−0.000040 | - | 0.000036 | |
−0.000798 | - | 0.000074 | |
0.0101 | - | 0.0014 | |
0.72 | - | - | |
0.54 | µm | - | |
0.70 | µm | - | |
0.40 | µm | - | |
0.80 1 | µm | - | |
0.11 | µm | 0.05 | |
0 | µm | 0.06 | |
0.07 | µm | ||
0.09 | µm |
Variable | Mean Value | Units | Standard Uncertainty | Distribution Type |
0.00883 | - | 0.00050 | Normal | |
0 1 | - | 0.000036 | Normal | |
0 | Uniform | |||
0 1 | - | 0.000074 | Normal | |
0 | Uniform | |||
0.0101 | - | 0.0014 | Normal | |
0.72 | - | - | - | |
0 | µm | Normal | ||
0 | µm | Normal | ||
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Mínguez Martínez, A.; de Vicente y Oliva, J. Industrial Calibration Procedure for Confocal Microscopes. Materials 2019, 12, 4137.
Mínguez Martínez A, de Vicente y Oliva J. Industrial Calibration Procedure for Confocal Microscopes. Materials. 2019; 12(24):4137.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMínguez Martínez, Alberto, and Jesús de Vicente y Oliva. 2019. "Industrial Calibration Procedure for Confocal Microscopes" Materials 12, no. 24: 4137.
APA StyleMínguez Martínez, A., & de Vicente y Oliva, J. (2019). Industrial Calibration Procedure for Confocal Microscopes. Materials, 12(24), 4137.