
Ecological Monitoring, Assessment, and Management in Freshwater Systems

Edited by
November 2016
438 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03842-266-2 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-03842-267-9 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Ecological Monitoring, Assessment, and Management in Freshwater Systems that was published in

Biology & Life Sciences
Chemistry & Materials Science
Environmental & Earth Sciences
Public Health & Healthcare
  • Hardback
License and Copyright
© 2014 MDPI; under CC BY-NC-ND license
stormwater; monitoring; protocols; suspended solids; nitrogen; phosphorus; filters; macroinvertebrates; aquatic ecosystems; river regulation; dredging; river; Narew; physical habitat simulation; monitoring data; neighboring streams; composite suitability index; habitat suitability curve; dissolved organic carbon; headwater streams; monsoon rainfall; mountainous watersheds; particulate organic carbon; stream water quality; suspended sediment; turbidity; integrative health responses (IHRs) model; river ecosystem health; stressor identification; chemical pollution; nature-like fishway; trap; PIT telemetry; attraction efficiency; passage efficiency; N:P ratios; water chemistry; fish trophic compositions; stream ecosystem health; macroinvertebrate biodiversity; spatial distribution; environmental relation; ecosystem integrity; run of river hydropower; macroinvertebrate; river habitat; flow diversion; functional feeding group; the Hailang River; headwater stream; macroinvertebrate; non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMS); rarefaction; microhabitats; heterogeneity; functional feeding guilds (FFGs); habit trait guilds (HTGs); biological indicator; stream ecosystem; land use effects; geographically weighted regression; fish communities; floodplain lake; fish; lateral connectivity; Biebrza River; lowland river; CCA; generalized additive models (GAMs); urban land use; non-linear relationship; stream water quality; AFLP; outlier loci; self-organizing map; aquatic insects; adaptation; community structure; indicator species; multivariate analysis; rank-abundance diagram; urban stream; aquatic ecological monitoring; management of ecological data; data sharing; RESTful API; Water Framework Directive; monitoring network; freshwater monitoring; monitoring types; ecological status; river basin specific pollutants; adaptive freshwater management; freshwater ecosystem monitoring; freshwater ecosystem assessment; freshwater ecosystem management; biological indicators; biological assessment