
Nutrition in Pregnancy

Edited by
April 2017
362 pages
  • ISBN978-3-03842-366-9 (Hardback)
  • ISBN978-3-03842-367-6 (PDF)

This is a Reprint of the Special Issue Nutrition in Pregnancy that was published in

This Reprint is part of the book set Nutrition in Pregnancy.

Medicine & Pharmacology
Public Health & Healthcare
  • Hardback
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© 2017 MDPI; under CC BY-NC-ND license
diet; health; lifestyles; score; preconception; pregnancy; lactation; pregnancy; dietary intake; n-6 and n-3 PUFA intake; DHA; fatty acid phospholipids; vitamin D; related factors; newborn; before pregnancy; body composition; fat-free mass density; gestation; postpartum; total body fat; diabetes; heart; IUGR; hypertension; maternal diet; maternal nutrition; birthweight; undernutrition; overweight; nutrients; dietary patterns; placental morphology; vascularity; substrate transport; IUGR; micronutrient; placenta; maternal diet; gestational pathologies; catecholamines; fetal growth; insulin; pregnancy; maternal diet; nutrition; pregnancy; HIV; anthropometry; Malawi; cluster analysis; vitamin D; sun exposure; breastfeeding; supplements; mothers; infants; IUGR; hypoxia; obese; insulin sensitivity; skeletal muscle; mitochondria; β-oxidation; fats; acylcarnitine; oxygen; nutrition; pregnancy; birth weight; birth length; birth head circumference; African American; diet patterns; assisted reproductive technology; in vitro fertilization; periconceptional period; cardiovascular disease; epigenetics; maternal; pregnancy; dietary intake; breastfeeding; postpartum weight retention; sulphate; sulphonation; foetal development; pregnancy; gestation; adolescents; pregnant women; pregnancy; micronutrients; antenatal care; low- and middle-income countries (LMIC); developmental programming; kidney development; maternal diet; pregnancy; fish; neurodevelopment; cognition; vitamin B12; maternal; offspring; metabolic risk; lipids; case-control study; nutrition; neural tube defects; maternal; pregnancy; dietary intake; macronutrient; blood pressure; systolic; child; protein; diet; nutrition; vitamin D; pregnancy; mass spectrometry; Korea; nutrition; mammary gland; placenta; small intestine; uterine blood flow; lactation; maternal nutrition; obesity; offspring; stress; folate deficiency; decidual angiogenesis; reproductive hormone; low birth weight; fetal programming hypothesis; placenta; microbiome; full-term birth; maternal diet; fetal growth; postnatal health; adipose tissue; growth trajectory; macronutrients; micronutrient; fetal growth restriction; placenta