Community Care

A section of Healthcare (ISSN 2227-9032).

Section Information

Community care is focused on societal support for people with mental illness and disabilities in living in and participating in society. Community care consists of actions, both on a small and large scale, that people can take to show their support for another person or a group of individuals, particularly older people and those with mental illnesses, learning disabilities, and physical disabilities. The most important aim of community care is enabling those cared for to remain living in their own homes. In addition, it strives to allow these people to be as independent as possible to prevent social isolation. The section Community Care will involve a wide diversity of studies - with a medical focus - related to people with mental illness and disabilities, including research on housing and residential environments, education, work, traffic and transport, friends and relatives, recreation and leisure, and health and healthcare.


  • community care
  • home care services
  • district nursing
  • informal care
  • collaboration between formal and informal care
  • quality of life for people with disabilities
  • mental illness
  • learning disabilities
  • physical disabilities
  • frailty
  • prevention
  • recreational, occupational, educational, and cultural activities for people with disabilities

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