
11 September 2020
Special Issue Best Paper Award "Humanized Mice in Vaccinology: Opportunities and Challenges"

Once over 5 papers have been received for this Special Issue, one of the published papers will be selected to receive an SI Best Paper Award by an Evaluation Committee.

Eligibility for the awards includes:

– Paper published within the Special Issue: Humanized Mice in Vaccinology: Opportunities and Challenges;

– Original research articles and reviews will be considerd.

Selection criteria are:

The papers will be selected by GE and the editorial office according to the following criteria (data source: Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics)):

– Originality and novelty;

– Views, download rates and citations in 2020.


– Each winner will receive a 300 CHF grant and the opportunity to publish one paper free of charge in Vaccines in 2021;

– Each winner will also receive a certificate.


The successful applicant will be notified by the 30th of November 2020.

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