
14–16 September 2023, Lisbon, Portugal
Global Meet on Condensed Matter Physics (GMCMP2023)

The GMCMP2023 meeting is aimed at expanding its coverage in the areas of Condensed Matter Physics. Expert talks and young researchers’ presentations will take place in the meeting with the aim of inspiring others and stimulating interest.

GMCMP2023 ( aims to be a unique platform for leading scientists, researchers and scholars from academia and R&D laboratories around the world to exchange, share and learn about the most recent advancements in various aspects related to Condensed Matter Physics. This conference provides a wonderful opportunity for you to enhance your knowledge about the newest interdisciplinary approaches in Condensed Matter Physics.

Moreover, the conference offers a valuable platform to create new contacts in the field, by providing valuable networking time for you to meet great personnel in the field. This conference will be held on 14–16 September 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal.

GMCMP2023 welcomes you to register and join this unique conference.
GMCMP2023 wishes you all a fruitful and memorable conference.

Conference Organizing Committee

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