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18 February 2021
Sustainability | 2020 Review
The year 2020 was a year of growth for Sustainability. The journal received 30,204 submissions and published 10,591 articles from 36,396 international authors. The total number of reviewers invited and involved in the peer-review process of the journal reached 17,123, with an additional 2,442 academic editors (including 592 Editorial Board Members and 1850 Topic Editors) joining our journal’s Board during this year. Sustainability articles were cited 12,703 times in 2020 and the impact factor (IF) is 2.576. Thanks to the commitment and dedication of the Editorial staff, the median time between submission and publication further decreased to 38 days.
The journal established the following 8 topical Sections: Hazards and Sustainability; Sustainability, Biodiversity and Conservation; Climate Change; Sustainable Materials; Health and Sustainability; Sustainable Food; Resources and Sustainable Utilization; and Sustainable Management. Additionally, in 2020 Sustainability became a journal affiliated with the International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB).
High Altmetrics Papers
Adapting to Climate Change: The Interplay between International and Domestic Institutions in the Context of Climate Finance
Adaptation, Official Development Assistance, and Institution Building: The Case of the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre
Jonathan Rosenberg
Sustainable Urban and Rural Development
Smart City Governance in Developing Countries: A Systematic Literature Review
Si Ying Tan et al.
Sustainable Urban and Rural Development
Urban Digital Twins for Smart Cities and Citizens: The Case Study of Herrenberg, Germany
Fabian Dembski et al.
Sustainable Education and Approaches
Analysis on the Higher Education Sustainability in China Based on the Comparison between Universities in China and America
Yong-Ming He et al.
Environmental Sustainability and Applications
Environmental Impacts of a Pet Dog: An LCA Case Study
Kim Maya Yavor et al.
Collections/Special Issues
Sustainability runs Special Issues to create collections of articles on specific topics with the aim of building a community of authors and readers to discuss the latest research and develop new ideas and research directions. Special Issues are led by Guest Editors who are experts in the subject, who oversee the editorial process for papers. Papers published in a Special Issue will be collected together on a dedicated page of the journal website. High-quality Collections/Special Issues will be printed as books. The book can be made available on Amazon, eBookMall, Apple books, etc.
Hot Special Issues
Sustainable Urban Planning Techniques
Sustainable Energy Economics and Policy
Sustainable Natural Resource Management
Smart Cities, City Dashboards, Planning and Evaluation of Urban Performances
Business, Management, Entrepreneurship and Innovation for Sustainable Development
Open Calls
Climate Change and Circular Bioeconomy: Old Challenges and New Opportunities for Environmental Biotechnology
edited by Silvio Matassa and Willy Verstraete
submission deadline 30 July 2021
Sustainable Innovations and Governance in the Agri-Food Industry
edited by Concetta Nazzaro, Marco Lerro and Marcello Stanco
submission deadline 24 September 2021
Feature Paper on Sustainability Wastewater Management
edited by Dariusz Młyński and Piotr Bugajski
submission deadline 30 November 2021
Read full list of call for papers at https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sustainability/special_issues.
On behalf of the editorial team, we would like to express our gratitude to the Editor-in-Chief of Sustainability, all Section Editors-in-Chief and Editorial Board Members, as well as to the Guest Editors of Special Issues, Topic Board Members, and Reviewer Board Members, all of whom have ensured the continued success of the journal through their hard work and diligence!
In 2021, Sustainability will continue to contribute to academic exchange and sharing of knowledge.