
12 November 2021
Signals | Seeking Conference Cooperation

According to the aims and scope of the journal, we plan to seek cooperation with conferences from 2021 to 2023. We welcome consultations with all signal-related conferences.

As a partner, we provide the following:

  • You may publish some selected papers (or proceedings) in the form of a Special Issue "Selected Papers from Conference", which we would specifically create. All selected papers will be published in open access form, after peer review;
  • Conference promotion through a banner on the journal homepage;
  • Brief description of the conference on the journal’s webpage;
  • We can sponsor a certain amount of the conference funds.

To apply for this cooperation, recommend potential candidates, or request further information, please contact the Signals Editorial Office ([email protected]). Interested applicants may contact us with the following information:

  • A short Curriculum Vitae;
  • Basic information on the Conference;
  • Your role in the conference.

We will consider the overall situation of the candidates and select partners for cooperation.

Signals (ISSN 2624-6120) is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal of signals and signal processing, published quarterly online by MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. The journal has been indexed within Scopus, SCIE (Web of Science), CAPlus / SciFinder, Inspec, and many other databases.

The scope of Signals includes, but is not limited to:

  • Theories, algorithms, and methods;
  • Statistical methods and machine learning for signals;
  • Activity recognition, event detection, anomaly detection;
  • Pattern recognition, classification, and mining;
  • Information theoretic approach;
  • Adaptive filtering and systems;
  • Multidimensional and multivariate signal processing;
  • Multimodal approach and multimedia;
  • Graph-theoretic approach;
  • Cryptography and coding for signals;
  • Signal separation, extraction, and factorization;
  • Signal processing and analysis with biological and chemical sensors.

These topics have various applications in audio/acoustics, speech, natural language, biomedical data, communications, image, video, social data, sensor data, etc.

Signals Editorial Office

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