
22 November 2022
Economies | Recruiting Editorial Board Members for Newly Established Sections

In order to further develop different research aspects of the journal Economies (ISSN: 2227-7099), we are pleased to announce that we have established the following four Sections:

  • “Macroeconomics, Monetary Economics, and Financial Markets”;
  • “Economic Development, Growth, and Natural Resources (Environment + Agriculture)”;
  • “Labour, Health, and Education”;
  • “International, Regional, and Transportation Economics”.

Additionally, we are currently recruiting Section Editorial Board Members and accepting applications for editorial positions for these four Sections.

The main responsibilities of Section Editorial Board Members are as follows:

  • Pre-screening and making decisions on new submissions related to the journal Section;
  • Helping to edit a Special Issue on a topic related to the Section (or supervising Special Issues related to your research field);
  • Providing input or feedback regarding journal policies;
  • Helping to promote the journal among peers or at conferences;
  • Attending board meetings to suggest journal development strategies;
  • Reviewing manuscripts.

Please send your application, or any questions you might have, to the Economies Editorial Office ([email protected]).

Economies Editorial Office

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