
29 August–2 September 2022, Belgrade, Serbia
The 6th International Conference on the Physics of Optical Materials and Devices AND The 5th International Workshop of Persistent and Photostimulable Phosphors (IWPPP-5)

The ICOM 2022 Conference brings together scientists and technology users investigating or developing materials for optical applications. The conference will present the state of the art in preparation methods, optical characterization, and usage of optical materials and devices in various photonic fields.

IWPPP-5 (International Workshop on Persistent and Photostimulable Phosphors) will provide a forum for the exchange of knowledge between scientists and users of phosphors in various shapes (from nanoparticles to large ceramics or crystals) presenting persistent luminescence.

The Organizing Committee is inviting you to the 6th International Conference on the Physics of Optical Materials and Devices (ICOM 2022), which is to be held in Belgrade, Serbia, from 29th of August to 2nd of September 2022. The conference is organized by the Society for Science Development of Serbia, IRCP Chimie Paristech (France), and CEMHTI Orléans (France).

IWPPP-5 (International Workshop on Persistent and Photostimulable Phosphors) covers a subfield of luminescence research dealing with persistent phosphors. Persistent luminescence is a specific type of luminescence for which the emission is delayed—for hours or even days—beyond the normal radiative lifetime of the luminescent center. After previous events in 2011, (Ghent, Belgium), 2013 (Guangzhou, China), 2015 (Arlington, USA), 2018 (Beijing, China), the IWPPP-5 meeting is joining the ICOM Conference in 2022 and will be organized by the Society for Science Development of Serbia, the IRCP-CNRS ChimieParisTech, Paris (France), and the CEMHTI Orléans (France).

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