
8 August 2024
Meet Us at the 1st International Conference of Environmental Medicine, 11 September 2024, Chieti, Italy

Conference: 1st International Conference of Environmental Medicine—Environmental Threats to Human Health: From Genetics to Epigenetics
Date: 11 September 2024
Location: Chieti, Italy

The 1st International Conference of Environmental Medicine is presented by the Italian Society of Environmental Medicine (SIMA) and the University "Gabriele d'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara, addressing the impacts of environmental exposures on human health with an epigenetic perspective. The event is organized in collaboration with the Environmental Health Research Organization (EHRO), the Spanish Society of Environmental Medicine and Climate Changes (SESMA), and the Laureate Science Alliance (LSA). Fostering the application of the precautionary principle, the conference aims to promote a new vision of medicine and epidemiology focused on the primary prevention of the most common diseases or conditions where the role of environmental exposures has already been investigated in the medical literature.

The following MDPI journals will be represented:

Our delegates look forward to meeting you in person at the booth at the conference and answering any questions that you may have. For more information regarding the conference, please visit the following link:

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