Comparison of the Efficacy of Longer versus Shorter Pulsed High Dose Dapsone Combination Therapy in the Treatment of Chronic Lyme Disease/Post Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome with Bartonellosis and Associated Coinfections
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
Time Frame | Supplements/Nutritional Support | Indication |
Prior to Beginning DDDCT | Biofilm agents: take cinnamon/clove/oregano oil one twice a day (Doctor Inspired Formulations, Hopkinton Drug Compounding Pharmacy, Hopkinton, MA, USA), Biocidin 2 sprays twice a day (Biocidin Botanicals, Aptos, CA, USA), Stevia 15 drops twice a day (NutraMedix, Jupiter, FL, USA) and peppermint oil capsules one twice a day (Infuserve America Compounding Pharmacy, St. Petersburg, FL, USA). If you have had severe/resistant symptoms, speak to your provider about adding on Argentyn 23, 1 teaspoon twice a day (Natural Immunogenics, Sarasota, FL, USA) during the last month of the protocol with or without EDTA suppositories (Detoxamine, Draper, UT, USA) the last week of the protocol for extra biofilm support [137,143]. | Biofilm support |
Probiotics: Orthobiotic (Ortho Molecular Products, Woodstock, IL, USA), Saccharomyces boulardii (Ortho Molecular Products, Woodstock, IL, USA), Theralac (Master Supplements, Victoria, MN, USA) are all taken twice a day first thing in the morning and last thing before bed, along with ½ a packet of Probiomax 350 billion (Xymogen, Orlando, FL, USA) once a day (this can be used twice a day if there are any loose stools). | Microbiome support | |
Detoxification/Inflammatory Support: N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) 600 mg twice a day (Xymogen, Orlando, FL, USA), glutathione 4 capsules (250 mg each) twice a day (Ortho Molecular Products; or Essential Pro Glutathione, Wellness Pharmacy, Birmingham, AL, USA), Alamax (alpha lipoic acid, Xymogen) 600 mg, one twice a day, curcuplex (Xymogen) 500 mg, one twice a day, sulforaphane glucosinolate (Oncoplex ES, Xymogen) 100 mg, one twice a day, vitamin C 1–2 g twice a day (Xymogen), vitamin E 300 IUs twice a day (Designs for Health, Suffield, CT, USA), NADH (ENADA Nutraceuticals, Las Vegas, NV, USA) 5 mg twice a day; please keep Alka-Seltzer gold or sodium HCO3 (bicarbonate) at home which can be used as needed for temporary increases in underlying Lyme disease symptoms, i.e., severe Herxheimer reactions [130], which is used with 2 g of glutathione all at once, up to three times daily until the Herxheimer reaction resolves [50,144]. You can also use up to 2000 mg of glutathione 3× per day if there are symptoms of methemoglobinemia [118] (blue hands, blue lips, headaches, fatigue, shortness of breath) although the symptoms would be unusual using higher dose methylene blue at a dose of 300 mg twice a day, as it helps keep down significantly elevated methemoglobin levels. | Detoxification/ Inflammatory Support | |
Weeks 1–4 of DDDCT (slowly increasing dapsone from 25 mg per day to 100 mg per day) | Continue biofilm, microbiome and detoxification/inflammatory support listed above. Add Folic acid support once starting dapsone: two tablets of L-methyl folate 15 mg each, twice a day month one (weeks 1–4), for a total of 60 mg of L-methyl folate per day (Xymogen, Folafy-ER). Folic acid supplementation can be taken at the same time as all antibiotics, twice a day, after breakfast and dinner, with a full stomach. Probiotics should be taken away from antibiotics, i.e., first thing upon awakening, and last thing at night before bedtime. Add B12 support (Methyl protect, one a day, Xymogen) and over the counter (OTC) iron (Fe), between 45–325 mg per day (at lunch, away from antibiotics). Any mineral supplements (magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron, copper, etc.) should be taken at least one hour away from antibiotics to avoid interfering with absorption of tetracyclines. | Addition of Folic acid, B12 and iron helps reduce dapsone induced anemia |
Week 5–8 DDDCT (100 mg BID) | Continue biofilm, microbiome and detoxification/inflammatory support listed above. Continue B12 and iron support, as listed above. Folic acid dosing doubles on DDDCT: use 4 tablets of L-methyl folate 15 mg each, twice a day, for a total dose of 60 mg of L-methyl folate twice a day (120 mg total). Keep Alka-Seltzer gold or sodium HCO3 (bicarbonate) at home which can be used as needed for temporary increases in underlying Lyme disease symptoms, i.e., severe Herxheimer reactions [130], which is used with 2 g of glutathione all at once, up to three times daily until the Herxheimer reaction resolves [50,144]. You can also use up to 2000 mg of glutathione 3× per day if there are symptoms of methemoglobinemia [118] (blue hands, blue lips, headaches, fatigue, shortness of breath) although the symptoms would be unusual using higher dose methylene blue. | Antioxidant support to help lower methemoglobin levels, along with biofilm, microbiome, and detoxification/inflammatory support. Extra folic acid helps reduce dapsone induced anemia |
Week 9 (HDDCT) | Continue biofilm, microbiome and detoxification/inflammatory support listed above. Continue folic acid, B12 and iron support, as listed above. Depending on laboratory results week 9, adjust glutathione doses and/or folic acid dosing. This will be based on levels of anemia, and methemoglobin levels. L-methyl folate doses can be increased to 5–6 tablets twice a day week 9 if needed for any increases in anemia from higher dose dapsone. Glutathione dosing can increase to 2000 mg TID, if there are any increases in methemoglobin despite methylene blue dosing at 300 mg PO BID. | Biofilm, microbiome, inflammatory, detoxification, hematological support |
Weeks 10–14 (first month off dapsone) | Continue biofilm, microbiome and detoxification/inflammatory support listed above. Continue folic acid, B12 and iron support, as above. Folic acid doses for L-methyl folate may be slowly decreased from 4–5 twice a day (by week 11) to 3 twice a day (week 12) to 2 twice a day (weeks 13–14, i.e., 60 mg of L-methyl folate per day) depending on the CBC and rapidity of reversal of anemia off dapsone. Individualized dosing for folic acid will depend on the level of anemia; a follow-up CBC and CMP with haptoglobin levels should be done 5–7 days post dapsone combination therapy, especially if any sudden unexpected drops in hemoglobin levels were noted the week on HDDCT (week 9), and/or if any other significant hematological abnormalities were noted. If a CBC and CMP are stable one week post dapsone, repeat laboratory testing week 2–3 weeks later to adjust folic acid dosing. Add a one month mitochondrial regeneration program weeks 10–14: This includes: ATP 360, 3 capsules once a day (Researched Nutritionals), ENADA (NADH) one twice a day; carnitex (Xymogen) two twice a day (not for those with alpha gal allergy), CoQ Power 400 mg twice a day (Researched Nutritionals), Cardio Ribose (Researched Nutritionals), one scoop twice a day, along with Mitoprime (Xymogen) one a day, and Mito NR (Designs for Health, Suffield, CT, USA) two a day. Mitochondrial support has been shown to be helpful in certain patients with a chronic, fatiguing illness. You can stop the mitochondrial supplements after one month post high dose dapsone combination therapy. | Continue to replace healthy GI bacteria with microbiome support 1 month post DDDCT and HDDCT. Continue antioxidant and anti-inflammatory support post DDDCT and HDDCT Mitochondrial support can reverse potential mitochondrial damage from high levels of free radicals/oxidative stress during therapy |
Weeks 15–19 (2nd month post DDDCT and HDDCT | Lower biofilm support to once a day; Lower microbiome support to once a day. B12 and iron supplementation may be stopped if no deficiencies noted. Antioxidant/anti-inflammatory support with NAC, alpha lipoic acid, glutathione, Curcuplex and sulforaphane glucosinolate (Oncoplex ES) may be continued if ongoing sources of inflammation are present, including but not limited to ongoing infections, environmental toxins (mold, heavy metals), or if needing COVID support. Folic acid dosing is based on the rapidity of reversal of the CBC off dapsone. Patients may require staying on a lower dose of L-methyl folate (15 mg BID) depending on the CBC. |
Medication Regimen for DDDCT and HDDCT
Time Frame | Medication | Nutritional Support | Laboratory/EKG |
Prior to beginning DDDCT | Add medications gradually to ensure GI tolerance. For example, start with Plaquenil (hydroxychloroquine) 200 mg twice a day after meals, Nystatin 500,000 U tablets twice a day, and minocycline (or doxycycline) 100 mg twice a day. Lower-dose minocycline or doxycycline (50 mg twice a day) can be initiated if there is a history of GI intolerance to tetracyclines. If there is no issue with GI tolerance in an adult patient, add rifampin (300 mg BID). Rifabutin 150 mg PO BID may be substituted for rifampin if you are intolerant to rifampin. After several days, then add pyrazinamide (which is dosed by body weight): up to 55 kg = 1000 mg once a day (2 pills of 500 mg once a day); 56–75 kg = 1500 mg once a day (3 pills once a day); over 76–90 kg = 2000 mg once a day (4 pills once a day). The 8-week DDDCT protocol starts when all antibiotics are on board and tolerated (which may add an extra week to the protocol). Rifampin may affect medication levels. Perform a drug interaction check. Adjust doses | See Table 1 regarding doses of biofilm agents, probiotics, detoxification, and inflammatory support. | Patients should be G6PD positive without B12, folate, or iron deficiency before starting dapsone EKG should be normal |
Week 1 | Plaquenil 200 mg PO BID, doxy (or minocycline) 100 mg PO BID, rifampin 300 mg PO BID, Nystatin 500,000 U tablets, 2 PO BID. Start dapsone 25 mg one PO QD, taken at the same time as the other antibiotics. Add folic acid support: Leucovorin (folinic acid) 25 mg two twice a day (50 mg twice a day) along with 15 mg of L-methyl folate, 2 twice a day. See Table 1 for details. | Add Folic acid support once starting dapsone. | |
Week 2 | Same doses of the above medication, but increase dapsone to 25 mg PO BID (50 mg/day). Clotrimazole (Mycelex) troches (10 mg QID prn) may be used at any time during the protocol if, despite a strict sugar-free/yeast-free diet, any signs of yeast/Candida arise on the tongue. | See Table 1 | |
Week 3 | Same doses of the above medication; increase dapsone to 50 mg in the am, 25 mg in the pm for a total of 75 mg per day. | See Table 1 | CBC, CMP is ordered at the end of week 3 with a baseline MetHb |
Week 4 | Same doses of the above medication; increase dapsone to 50 mg in the morning and 50 mg in the afternoon for a total of 100 mg of dapsone per day. Order 100 mg of dapsone tablets from the pharmacy for week 5 (90 tablets) and renew all of the above medications. Start methylene blue 50 mg twice a day week 4. This is taken with high-dose antioxidants to help reverse methemoglobin levels. See Table 1. This would include 1000 to 2000 mg of glutathione twice a day, vitamin C 1–2 g twice a day, vitamin E 300 IU twice a day, and NADH 5 mg twice a day. Consider starting cimetidine 400 mg twice a day if there has been a history of any significantly elevated methemoglobin levels proceeding into month two. If cimetidine is required due to elevated methemoglobin levels, lower Plaquenil (hydroxychloroquine) once a day and check drug interactions for potential medication interactions. If any significant Herxheimer reactions occur at 100 mg of dapsone that do not resolve with alkalizing and high dose glutathione, or if there is any evidence of unexpected anemia (greater than a 2–3 g drop in hemoglobin) with unexpected rises in methemoglobin (greater than 5%) proceeding into week 4, the dose of dapsone can be temporarily held for a week, increasing Leucovorin to 4 tablets twice a day (100 mg PO BID) with 4, 15 mg L-methyl folate twice a day (60 mg PO BID) until the anemia improves and/or the methemoglobin level decreases. Then restart dapsone at 100 mg per day. | See Table 1 for nutritional support. | |
Week 5 | Take dapsone 100 mg, 1 dose twice a day (this is officially the start of one month of double-dose dapsone). Add 250 mg of azithromycin (Zithromax) twice a day with a full stomach. Clarithromycin (Biaxin) can alternatively be used as a macrolide instead of Zithromax if insurance coverage requires a different medication. Increase Leucovorin to 25 mg, 4 tablets PO BID (100 mg BID) with 15 mg of L-methyl folate, and 4 tablets PO BID (60 mg BID) for a total dose of 320 mg of folic acid. Increase methylene blue (MB) to 100 mg PO BID × 3 days, then increase MB to 150 mg PO BID. The total dose of MB at the end of week 5 is 300 mg per day. All other medications and nutritional supplements remain the same. Check an EKG and rule out QT prolongation on hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin with one dose of 8 mg of ondansetron (Zofran). If the EKG is stable, you may use ondansetron Q 8 h prn for nausea. Use phenazopyridine (Pyridium) 200 mg PO TID prn for any urinary burning/discomfort on MB. | See Table 1 for nutritional support | CBC, CMP, MetHb, haptoglobin end of week 5 & q week. Check hormones (thyroids, etc.) on rifampin and adjust prn. EKG |
Week 6 | Increase methylene blue to 200 mg PO BID. All other medications remain the same. May increase methylene blue to 250 mg PO BID if methemoglobin level is >5% despite using antioxidants in Table 1. May add cimetidine if needed for elevated MetHb | See Table 1 | CBC, CMP, MetHb, haptoglobin |
Week 7 | Increase methylene blue to 250 mg PO BID. All other medications remain the same. May increase methylene blue to 300 mg PO BID if methemoglobin level is >5%. If CBC, CMP, MetHb is stable, continue protocol. May hold dapsone temporarily if any unexpected drops in hemoglobin from baseline (average drop in Hb is 3.5–4 g on DDDCT, which is to be expected). | See Table 1 | CBC, CMP, MetHb, haptoglobin Follow BP QD on MB |
Week 8 | Increase methylene blue to 300 mg PO BID. This is the final dose adjustment for MB. All other medications remain the same. Dapsone may cause low-grade hemolysis, but if CBC, CMP, and MetHb are stable, continue the protocol. In rare cases, higher doses of MB may result in increased hemolysis. Hold dapsone, increase folic acid dosing, and lower MB to 200 mg PO BID if any unexpected drops in Hb result. | See Table 1 | CBC, CMP, MetHb, haptoglobin |
Week 9 (HDDCT) | Increase dapsone to 200 mg PO BID for 4 days in a row if treating CLD without evidence of co-infections such as Bartonella, or increase dapsone to 200 mg PO BID × 6 days in a row if treating Bartonella. This is a high-dose dapsone combination therapy. All other medications remain the same. Use ondansetron (Zofran) 8 mg q 8 h prn for any nausea/vomiting. Check labs after 3 and 5 days on HDDCT and adjust dosing based on symptoms and laboratory results. Stop dapsone if the hemoglobin level is >20% and if there is an unexpected drop in hemoglobin > 1–2 g from the prior CBC, hold dapsone, increase folic acid dosing, and lower the MB to 200 mg PO BID. | See Table 1 | CBC, CMP, MetHb, and haptoglobin on days 3 and 5 of HDDCT Follow BP QD on MB |
Week 10, First week off HDDCT | Stop all antibiotics including tetracyclines (doxycycline or minocycline), rifampin (or rifabutin), pyrazinamide, azithromycin (or clarithromycin), and hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil). Remain on same doses of Nystatin, Leucovorin, L-methyl folate, all probiotics, biofilm support, and nutritional support. Taper MB. First day off dapsone take 300 mg PO BID, then decrease MB to 200 mg BID for 2 days, 100 mg BID for 2 days, 50 mg PO BID for 2 days, and then stop methylene blue. | See Table 1 Add mitochondrial support | CBC, CMP, MetHb, haptoglobin 4 days post-HDDCT |
Week 11 | Increase folic acid dosing prn if any unexpected decreases in hemoglobin occur. For example, may increase Leucovorin and L-methyl folate by 1–2 tabs BID for 1 week | See Table 1 | Repeat CBC if unexpected decrease in Hb |
Week 12 | Decrease folic acid dosing if CBC is stable | See Table 1 | |
Week 13 | Decrease folic acid dosing if CBC is stable | See Table 1 | CBC, CMP |
Weeks 14–18, 2nd mo. | Continue to decrease folic acid and nutritional support. If the patient is in remission, no further pulses of HDDCT are required. If Bartonella is still active, consider a 2 week HDDCT pulse (14 days), i.e., Protocol 2, q 6–8 weeks once labs return to normal | See Table 1 | CBC, CMP end of month 2 |
Time Frame | Medication | Nutritional Support | Laboratory/EKG |
Week 1 | Beginning on a Monday, start with Plaquenil (hydroxychloroquine) 200 mg twice a day, minocycline 100 mg twice a day (or doxycycline 100 mg PO BID), Nystatin 500,000 units, two twice a day, and after two days add rifampin (Wednesday), 300 mg twice a day; then after one day (Thursday), add pyrazinamide (PZA) 500 mg tabs, 2–4 once a day (the dose is dependent on body weight (see Table 2); then after one more day (Friday), add azithromycin (Zithromax) 250 mg twice a day. All antibiotics are taken on a full stomach after breakfast and dinner. The methylene blue dosage for week one of this protocol is 50 mg twice a day × 2 days (Monday, Tuesday), then 100 mg twice a day for 2 days (Wednesday, Thursday), then 200 mg twice a day for 3 days (400 mg by days 6–7). At the end of week one, the patient will therefore be on Plaquenil, minocycline (or doxycycline), rifampin (or rifabutin), PZA, Zithromax, Nystatin, and methylene blue. See Table 1 for nutritional support with biofilm agents, probiotics, detoxification, and inflammatory support. Follow a low-histamine diet as per Protocol 1. All psychiatric medications that can interact with methylene blue (MB) must be stopped at least one week before using MB and several weeks afterwards to avoid potential side effects. | See Table 1 | CBC, CMP, and Methemoglobin levels should be normal before starting HDDCT EKG should be WNL; check QT intervals on Plaquenil, azithromycin + ondansetron if not previously conducted |
Week 2 | Dapsone starts week two, and day 8, is added at a dose of 100 mg twice a day for 1 day (double dose dapsone). This will be taken with Leucovorin 25 mg, 4, twice a day, with L-methyl folate 15 mg (Folafy-ER) 4 twice a day along with all antibiotics and nutritional supplements from week 1. Rifampin will be increased to double dose (300 mg, 2 twice a day) at the beginning of week 2 if liver functions are WNL. For a 4 day HDDCT pulse, days 9–12 you will take high dose dapsone × 4 days (200 mg twice a day). This is primarily for those with CLD/PTLDS without associated co-infections (i.e., Bartonella). For a 6-day HDDCT pulse, i.e., for those with active intracellular co-infections (e.g., Bartonella), take high-dose dapsone (200 mg twice a day) for 6 days, days 9–14, with the same doses of folic acid. The last week, days 8–14, the methylene blue dose is increased to 300 mg twice a day once starting dapsone and continued at that dosage for as long as the patient remains on HDDCT. For those needing phenazopyridine (Pyridium) to decrease urinary tract discomfort, it can be prescribed at a dose of 200 mg three times a day while on methylene blue. Ondansetron 4–8 mg Q8 prn may be used prn for nausea and/or vomiting if QT intervals are WNL | See Table 1 | CBC, CMP, Methemoglobin, and haptoglobin levels are drawn on day 10 and day 12 to rule out any significant hematological and/or laboratory changes |
Week 3 | Stop all antibiotics including tetracyclines (doxycycline or minocycline), rifampin (or rifabutin), pyrazinamide, azithromycin (or clarithromycin), and hydroxychloroquine. Remain on same doses of Nystatin, Leucovorin, L-methyl folate, all probiotics, biofilm support and nutritional support. Increase folic acid dosing prn if any unexpected decreases in hemoglobin occur post high dose dapsone, weeks 3–4. For example, may increase Leucovorin and L-methyl folate by 1–2 tabs BID for 1 week, then begin a slow taper off folic acid based on the results of the CBC. Taper MB. First day off dapsone take 300 mg PO BID, then decrease MB to 200 mg BID for 2 days, 100 mg BID for 2 days, 50 mg PO BID for 2 days, and then stop methylene blue. Start mitochondrial support. | See Table 1 | Repeat CBC, CMP, Methb and haptoglobin levels on days 17–18, 3–4 days post dapsone |
Week 4 | Continue with a mitochondrial regeneration protocol post-treatment for a total of 4 weeks (weeks 3–7). ATP 360, 3 a day (Researched Nutritionals), ENADA, one a day; carnitex, 2 twice a day (Xymogen, not for those with alpha-gal allergy); CoQ Power, 2 times a day (Researched Nutritionals); Cardio Ribose, one scoop twice a day; along with Mitoprime (Xymogen), 1 a day; and Mito NR (Designs for Health), 2 a day. Mitochondrial support has been shown to be helpful in some patients with chronic, fatiguing illnesses. Stop the mitochondrial supplements after one month of high-dose dapsone combination therapy. Continue to slowly taper folic acid dosing if the CBC is stable. | See Table 1 | |
Weeks 5–6 | Finish the mitochondrial regeneration protocol. Continue to taper folic acid. Continued folic acid support will depend on the CBC 3 weeks post-HDDCT. Taper biofilm agents, probiotics, detoxification/inflammatory support as per Table 1 post-dapsone. | See Table 1 | Repeat CBC, CMP 3 weeks post HDDCT |
3. Results
Patient | M/F | Age | # Courses of DDDCT | # Courses of HDDCT × 4 Days | # Courses of HDDCT × 5–7 Days | Bart FISH + | Bart + Spp., Striae VEGF | Bab FISH + | Bab + spp. | Full Remission # Months | >30% Impr | 21–30% Impr | 11–20% Impr | 10–19% Impr | 0–9% Impr | No C Hange | MSIDS Variables Potentially Affecting Treatment Outcome |
1 | F | 18 | 1 | 0 | 1 (6 d) | Yes | Bh | No | N/A | >3 mo | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | CVID, POTS, Mold |
2 | F | 23 | 1 | 0 | 1 (5 d) | No | Bq | No | N/A | >8 mo | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | MCAS Leaky Gut |
3 | M | 54 | 1 | 0 | 2 (5 d) | Yes | ? spp | No | N/A | >4 mo | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | BMD, TBRF Mitochondr EM+ |
4 | F | 35 | 1 | 5 | 1 (7 d) | No | Yes, Bv, striae | No | Bd | >3 mo | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | Bd, Anapl, COVID, HSV, Mold, Phase III adrenals, PTSD |
5 | M | 41 | 1 | 1 | 0 | No | No | No | No | >6 mo | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | EM + 21 yrs prior, Insomnia, COVID, Hypoglyc |
6 | M | 59 | 1 | 1 | 0 | No | No | No | Bm | >11 mo | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | Phase II adrenals, COVID |
7 | F | 51 | 1 | 1 | 0 | No | No | No | Bm | >22 mo | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | COVID, Mold, Vasculitis |
8 | M | 63 | 1 | 0 | 1 (6 d) | No | Yes, Be | No | N/A | 1 mo | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | COVID, EBV PCR + Mold, Low T, CVID, Sick × 22 y, Poss EM |
9 | M | 53 | 3 | 0 | 1 (6 d) | No | Yes, Be | No | ? | 1 mo | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | TBRF, Mycopl PCR +, OSA, Phase II Adrenal, Inflamm, sick for 31 y |
10 | F | 22 | 1 | 3 Bart pseudo seizures stopped | 1 (6 d) | Yes | Yes, Bq | No | N/A | 2 mo, relapsed during menses × sev d, then felt well | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | Low GSH, Phase III Adrenal, POTS |
11 | F | 31 | 0 Did low dose DDS for mo’s + 100 mg for 2 week | 0 | 1 (4½–5 days) | Yes | Yes Bh, Be | No | BmBd | No | Y, >60% | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | Bd 1:640 +, Bm 1:160 + Phase III adrenal, severe PTSD, Candida, POTS, CVID |
12 | M | 22 | 1 | 1 | 0 | No | Yes, Bh, Be, Bv | No | Bm Bd | No | Y, 50% | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | Bm, Bd, Phase III adrenal |
13 | M | 45 | 1 | 2 | 0 | No | Yes, Bh, Striae | Yes | BmBd | No? (Cognitive symptoms lingering, but OSA) | Y, >70% | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | OSA, Food Sensitivity, Insulin R, Low T, NASH |
14 | F | 60 | 2 | 0 | 1 (6–7 days) Best protocol in 13 yrs | No | Yes, Bh, Be, Bv, ↑ VEGF | No | Bm | No | Y, >60% | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | Bm 1:320 + Mold, PTSD, Phase II Adrenal, POTS, Bart granuloma ↓ size post HDDCT |
15 | M | 33 | 1 | 0 | 1 (7 days) | Yes | Yes, Bh, Bq, Be, Bv | Yes | Bm Bd Bo | No | Y 60% | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | Mold, COVID, EBV PCR +. Insomnia, Detox |
16 | F | 52 | 1 | 0 | 1 (6 days) | No | Yes, Bart spp. + ↑ VEGF | No | No | No | Y >60% | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | Anaplasma PCR +, COVID, Phase III adrenal, Detox |
17 | M | 48 | 1 | 1 All Sx ↓ except PNP | 0 | Yes | Bh, Bq, Bv | Yes | Bd Bo | No | Y >50% | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | Bb, Bab, Bart FISH + PTSD, Microbiome Abn, Insomnia |
18 | M | 64 | 1 | 2 | 0 | Yes | Bq Bv | Yes | ? | Physical sx > 18 mo in remission; Cognitive relapse + ? secondary TBD | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | Elevated Hg blood, Detox, Moderate OSA, Phase 3 Adrenal, hypoglyc, Low B12 |
19 | M | 32 | 1 | 0 Did > 1 yr. 100 mg DDSCT | 1 (6 days) but no M.B., due to psych meds. | Yes | Bart genus +, Striae | No | No | No But ↓ psychosis↓ hallucin’s Post HDDCT | Y >30% | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | PTSD, Detox, Mitochond, Insomnia, Vit Def |
20 | M | 41 | 1 Bart Striae ↑ 1 year later | 1 | 0 | No | Bh, Striae, ↑ VEGF | No | Bm | No But most Sx gone × 21 mo’s, (f) at 95% N except sl cognitive dysfunction | Y >45% | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | COVID, Heavy metals, Phase II adrenal, CVA × 2, Hx PFO |
21 | F | 19 | 3 | 3 Last course w MB 300 BID, ↑ improv | 0 | No | Bh, Bq, ↑ VEGF | No | Bd | No, but for the 1st time in years, had sustained improv, including paralysis | Y > 15% | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | Babesia ++ Severe POTS, EDS, Phase III adrenal, AI IVIG/SQIG, Leaky gut, MCAS, Immune dys(f) |
22 | M | 34 | 1 | 4 | 0 | Yes | Bart genus | No | Bd | No | Y 30% | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | Mold +++ Babesia ++ CVID (not yet on IVIG), low T, NASH, insomnia |
23 | M | 33 | 1 | 0 | 2 (7 days) | Yes | Bh, Bq, Bk, Bbac Striae | No | Bm Bd, B div | No | N/A | N/A | Y 15% | N/A | N/A | N/A | Bab ++ Mold +++ POTS MCAS CIDP COVID w/EBV PCR+ S/P EM |
24 | F | 45 | 2 | 3 Lower dose MB used | 1 (6 d) Dapsone helped ↓ Morgellon’s lesions | Yes | Bh | Yes | ? | No | No | No | No | Y, 15% | N/A | N/A | Morgellons CVID Hypopit:, Phase III adrenal, hypothy, ↓ sex hormones, PTSD, insomnia +++ POTS, Mitochondr dysfunction Inflamm ↑ Vit/min def AI dx with HELLP Syndrome |
25 | M | 32 | 1 (only did 2 weeks) | 1 Lower dose MB used (150 mg BID) | 0 | No | No | Yes | Bd | No | No | No | No | No | Y, 5% | N/A | Mold Babesia ++ PTSD Phase II Adrenal. States (f) at 90% N |
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
- Lyme Disease Data and Surveillance|CDC. Available online: (accessed on 23 May 2023).
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Horowitz, R.I.; Fallon, J.; Freeman, P.R. Comparison of the Efficacy of Longer versus Shorter Pulsed High Dose Dapsone Combination Therapy in the Treatment of Chronic Lyme Disease/Post Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome with Bartonellosis and Associated Coinfections. Microorganisms 2023, 11, 2301.
Horowitz RI, Fallon J, Freeman PR. Comparison of the Efficacy of Longer versus Shorter Pulsed High Dose Dapsone Combination Therapy in the Treatment of Chronic Lyme Disease/Post Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome with Bartonellosis and Associated Coinfections. Microorganisms. 2023; 11(9):2301.
Chicago/Turabian StyleHorowitz, Richard I., John Fallon, and Phyllis R. Freeman. 2023. "Comparison of the Efficacy of Longer versus Shorter Pulsed High Dose Dapsone Combination Therapy in the Treatment of Chronic Lyme Disease/Post Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome with Bartonellosis and Associated Coinfections" Microorganisms 11, no. 9: 2301.
APA StyleHorowitz, R. I., Fallon, J., & Freeman, P. R. (2023). Comparison of the Efficacy of Longer versus Shorter Pulsed High Dose Dapsone Combination Therapy in the Treatment of Chronic Lyme Disease/Post Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome with Bartonellosis and Associated Coinfections. Microorganisms, 11(9), 2301.